Chapter 6 From Philadelphia to Gold Coast

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At the museum Rikki arranges the flight tickets for our heroes. Mark already has his passport, while Jennifer gets her's along with Marth, & Lexi's, while Jack & Nancy also get theirs. They are able to quickly get their passports. Then they all have dinner at a pizzeria in Mark' neighborhood accompanied his parents, sister, Tara , Helen, and Helen as they wish them good luck in their battle to save Mako Island & the world. After dinner Jennifer, Nancy, and Lexi sleep with Joanna in her room while Jack, & Marth sleep with Mark in his room. The next day they meet up with Rikki, Emma, Cleo, Bella, Zane, Ash, Lewis, & Will at the airport as they get ready to board their flight to Dallas and from there to Gold Coast. They take off and 2 hours later they land in Dallas with a 3 hour layover. Then 3 hours later they board their flight to Gold Coast. The next day they land in Gold Coast. Rikki said you guys can stay with our former teacher Ms. Rita Santos who's also a mermaid herself. There you will meet up with Mimmi, & Ondina. Our heroes head to Rita's house. They are greeted by a woman with red hair holding a white cat. The woman says I'm Rita Santos and this is my cat Poseidon. Rita says you must be Jennifer, Jack, Lexi, Mark, Lexi, & Marth. I will take you 6 down to the Grotto and introduce you to the others. Rita takes everyone to a bookcase and pulls a book called Mermaid Myths and the shelf splits in half revealing a cave with a stair case. In the Grotto were some girls 3 with blonde hair, & 3 with dark hair. One of them was of Chinese decent they were accompanied by a boy with dark hair. Rita introduces our heroes to them. Rita says everyone these are guests 2 of them are land people who were transformed into a mermaid & merman after being teleported to the moon pool on Mako Island. The first girl introduces herself and says I'm Evie, the second girl says I'm Lyla, the third girl says I'm Mimmi, the fourth girl says I'm Nixie, the fifth girl says I'm Ondina, the sixth girl says I'm Sirena, and the last girl says I'm Weilan. The boy introduces himself and says I'm Zac. Jennifer says let me get this straight you are all real mermaids born in the sea? Sirena says yes but expect for Evie who accidentally swam into the moon pool one night during a full moon to protect Zac from Mimmi who later turned out to be his long lost older sister. Zac says then Evie lost her tail & powers after trying to protect me from the dragon which later turned out to be me & Mimmi's own mother Nerissa under a spell cast on her by Aurora. Mark said wait to minute Zac you & Mimmi are brother & sister? Zac said yes Mark when I was a baby our mother left me on a beach and that's where the man & woman who would later be my adopted parents found me. Jennifer said Rikki told me about the Mako Pod going missing is this true? Especially since I like to know how Mark & I ended up this way. Rita says yes it happened months ago my friend Veridia who's the head of the Mermaid Council for the Mako Pod mentioned time me that mermaids have been disappearing left & right. One day 5 of the hatchlings I have been teaching came to the Grotto one day to inform me about that Veridia has disappeared herself. Those 5 hatchlings escaped and they are here with me staying here for the time being I will be sure to get them. 2 minutes later Rita comes with 5 girls who are young teens. Two of them have blonde hair, another has brown hair, one of them has black hair, and the last one also has brown hair but also has light dark skin. The hatchlings introduce themselves the first blonde girl says I'm Neptina or Neppy for short, the other blonde girl says I'm Amaris, the girl with brown hair says I'm Ava, the girl with black hair says I'm Jewel, and the light dark skin girl says I'm Naia. Mark says nice to meet you girls Rita do you know of place where we can go get a bite to eat? Rita says I happen to know of such a place called the Ocean Cafe. Zac says we can take you there it's ran by my friend David, Evie also works there too has a shop, and her best friend Carly is the manager and even sings as well. Evie said I will be sure to introduce you to Carly and also give you of all discounts at my shop. Sirena says I also am a signer at the cafe too. Mark tells Rita about him being autistic and she says Mark I have worked with students who are also on the spectrum too in the past. Rita continues and says we are all amazing in our own way regardless of whether we have a disability or not. She also says don't ever let your disability stop you from being what you want to be. Rita said you are a merman because you love yourself & the sea. Rita says now let's go to the Ocean Cafe for a huge dinner.

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