Chapter 14 A day with the hatchlings

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The next day at the Grotto Neptina, Amaris, Ava, Naia, & Jewel are treated to a surprise by Aquata, Lyla, Mimmi, Nixie, Sirena, Rie, & Weilan. Carly's brother Jake invited Amaris to a birthday party and she asked Neptina, Ava, Naia, & Jewel if they wanted to come with them. The other girls said yes and off the party they go. Meanwhile Rita continues with Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, Mark, Lexie, & Marth with their training. Rita teaches Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, & Mark how to use moon rings and especially Jennifer & Mark how to combine the power of the moon rings with the power of the sword. Rita starts with making a water ball then freezing it and sends it flying towards Mark as he unsheathes the sword and cuts the ball in half. Rita says great job Mark you are unlocking the power that the sword has to offer. Rita says now it's Jennifer's turn to use the sword and try cutting a ice ball. Rita makes another water ball and then freezes it then hurls it towards Jennifer as she welds the sword then cuts it in half. Rita says Jennifer that was a amazing job keep up the good work it seems that the sword choose you and Mark to weld it. Afterwards Rita has them do basic skills with the moon rings like how to use their surroundings as cover, to even to enlarging or shrinking objects. Meanwhile the birthday party is being held at the Ocean Café. Jake goes over to Amaris and says hello and she says Jake these are my friends Neptina, Ava, Jewel, & Naia. Jake says nice to meet you all I want to introduce you all to my best friends. Jake takes the girls over to meet a group of boys. One of them had light dark skin like Naia, the other was a ginger, one had brown hair, & the last one had blonde hair. They introduced themselves as George, Sam, Michael, & Jeff. They all go, and dance with each other as Carly & Sirena sing some songs. Afterwards the boys & girls have some food brought out Carly. David comes and talks to Amaris then asks who is the other girl that's with you all? Amaris says that's Neptina. David asks if she was a mermaid too. Amaris said yes she is and David says her meals are also on the house too and that her secret is also safe too. Carly serves everyone some seafood and after a amazing lunch they all sing happy birthday to the birthday boy who turned to be Jack himself. Hours later they all go home as Neptina said I never knew that land people had fun like this to Ondina. Ondina said Neppy it isn't all about the sea socializing like what all you were doing is one of the things they like to do. She continues and says I learned this from Sirena herself when myself & Mimmi experienced this for ourselves. Back at the Grotto Rita continues to train our heroes with the rings & the sword. Rita says all you did great today that will be enough for now. Mark asks once we take back the moon pool can you show us how to overcome the moon spell? Rita says yes we can do that and after we rescue the Mako Pod too. Mark decides to order a pizza for himself, Jennifer, Nancy, Jack, Marth, & Lexie. 20 minutes later they all eat dinner and talk about how we are going to master all this magic and what else do we need to fight this battle. Rie says I will also teach you some martial arts that our pod has learned for generations to defend ourselves whenever we had to go on land. She continues and says we can do that tomorrow especially since you both were chosen by the sword to weld it.

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