Chapter 19 Jennifer, & Mark vs. Odele, & Dr. Denman's Revenge

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The next day a woman with blonde hair shows up at Rikki's it was none other Miriam Kent. Miriam was a old enemy of Cleo, Emma, Lewis, Rikki, & Zane's. Miriam this time was busy as jeweler. She had stop by what used to be the JuiceNet Café only to see both Rikki & Zane as owners of it. Rikki says whoa Miriam what are you doing here? Miriam says ain't it obvious I'm here to buy a drink and I didn't know you & Zane own this place. Zane says Miriam where have you been all this time? I bought this place after the Juicenet Cafe closed and named it after Rikki herself then years later took it to the next step and made it into a successful franchise. Zane continues and says Rikki & I just got married yesterday. Rikki asks what is it you do now? Miriam says I run a successful jewelry store in town. Rikki says I'm not only the co-owner of this cafe but also a successful diver recovering treasures around the world. Miriam says oh yeah I have read your books about. Then she's says why don't you and Zane come to my shop pick out something on me as my wedding gift to the both of you. Zane says sure we can come by later and do that. Miriam says it's the lease I can to make up for all the trouble I caused when we were all in school. Meanwhile at the marine park trouble brews as a peaceful day is about turned into a dramatic one. Greg & Linda come to the park and start using their powers as Linda is throwing water balls and using telekinesis to throw other objects around. Linda says this will get Cleo, Emma, Lewis, Rikki, & Zane's attention. Meanwhile in downtown Gold Coast a young woman with blonde hair begins singing and starting to enchant boys & men into the sea to follow her. She's called Odele and she's the mermaid from Canada who was part of the northern pod who was banished for singing the enchantment song which was heard in a video uploaded onto the internet. This same song once enchanted Sirena who's a southern mermaid and not immune to the song which caused her to enchant David and took him to the moon pool. The only way the effects of this song can be reversed if a counter song is sung by another mermaid who's also a siren. In addition to human males & southern mermaids being affected mermen are also not immune to the song. Rita turns the tv on see what's going on at both the marine park & downtown Gold Coast. Rikki turns her on tv in the office to see Dr. Denman & her partner Greg causing trouble so she and Zane gathers the gang as they head to the marine park. Meanwhile Rita sends Evie, Maria, Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, Mark, Mimmi, Nerissa, Zac, & Gloria to investigate what's going on downtown. At the marine park Ash, Bella, Cleo, Emma, Lewis, Rikki, Will, & Zane all confront Dr. Denman as Linda says aw Lewis I see you, Zane, & the girls have company. Lewis says yes we do and you Dr. Denman won't get away with this. The fight goes underwater in the coral reef exhibit where everyone uses their powers on Greg, & Linda and they are all shocked to see Linda is now a mermaid with a purple tail & top while Greg is a merman with a black tail. Linda and Greg also shocked to see Ash, Bella, Lewis, Will, & Zane are all merpeople. Bella uses her gel powers on Greg & Linda, cures them, & then hardens the jelly trap them. As a shocker she breaks her and Greg out of it. Meanwhile downtown Odele is about to enchant more people until she feels a kick to the face from Jessica as she does a flying kick while Mark uses the sword to defend her. Mimmi & Nerissa sing the counter song and breaks the spell as the affected victims all flee for their lives. As she tries to enchant Jack, Mark, & Zac the sword protects them. Mark slashes Odele with the sword sending her flying into a wall. Odele says Nerissa I have been waiting for you. Nerissa says Odele you were banished from the Northern Pod for singing the enchantment song after word got out about you using it to lure a land boy into the water and to his death with it. Jennifer exchanges punches & kicks with Odele as Mark zaps Odele with the sword. Odele tries to take the sword from him only to have the sword zap her due to it's magical spell that prevents anyone evil from touching it. Suddenly Mark gets a new power which teleports everyone into the sea. Mark finishes Odele off and she retreats to Mako Island and says I'm just the beginning and Aurora's my master when she takes over the world you will answer to her. Suddenly Evie, Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, Mark, Mimmi, Nerissa, and Zac all teleport to the Marine Park to help Bella, & the others out in defeating Linda & Greg. Mark ends up teleporting everyone out the coral reef tank to avoid injuring animals at the park. Suddenly everyone is all dry and back in human form as Louis uses the sword on Greg & Linda. Linda says you haven't heard the last of me I will be back and I will be there when Aurora finally takes over the world. Back at the Grotto after teleporting everyone back Rita says Mark you have discovered a new power the ability to teleport. Mark says I not only teleported myself but also my friends and our enemies we were able to to defeat Odele. Sirena says the mermaid you fought was the one in that video with the song that enchanted me. Mark said really Sirena? Sirena replied yes I'm glad you defeated her and sent her packing. Rita says the final battle is near and we must prepare for the biggest battle for not just our lives, but also Mako Island & the world.

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