Chapter 5 New Powers and Rikki's exhibit

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Days later at the Independence Seaport Museum Jennifer, Marth, Lexi, and Mark show up at Penns Landing with Tara Weinstein a friend of Mark's he met playing Pokémon Go, as well as Shaun, Jack, Nancy, Maria, and Gloria. Rikki is accompanied by Zane, Cleo, Lewis, Emma, Ash, Bella, Will, and a older gentleman who spoke with a Australian accent who also was of Indian descent. Rikki says Jennifer, Mark, & company I like to introduce you to my promoter, & organizer of my exhibit Mr. Singh. Jennifer & Mark both say Nice to Meet you. Mr. Singh says Any friends of Ms. Chadwick are always welcomed to join us. Mark says the pleasure is ours Mr. Singh. Mr. Singh hands everyone their passes and gives them access to the VIP area. Mark introduces Jennifer to Tara, while Jennifer introduces Shaun to Mark, Tara, & everyone else. Everyone finally gets acquainted with each other. Mark  talks to Zane about himself being autistic and about the mistakes he made in the past. Zane says we all make mistakes I made some mistakes myself like when I used to be a bully towards Cleo, Emma, Rikki, & Lewis in the past. I lost Rikki 2 times especially after I kissed Sophie Will's sister while celebrating with her over her brother's victory in a free diving championship. Also meeting Rikki changed my life forever it also taught me to stand up for myself, and others especially when my father and I were tricked into helping a now disgraced marine biologist named Dr. Linda Denman. Dr. Denman wanted to expose & do experiments on the girls while she also kidnapped Lewis. That moment also helped me realize what was right and what was wrong. Mark said I'm glad you chose to protect Rikki & the secret over fame & fortune. Zane says what does Jennifer mean to you? Mark says she's very special to me as a friend we have known each other for years. She gives me advice, even stands up for me when I sometimes can't defend myself. Then suddenly Jennifer's friend Helen Mitchell comes to the exhibit and finally meets Mark for the first time in person. Jennifer also introduces her to Rikki, and the others. Mr. Singh gives her a pass from orders of Rikki herself. Mean while Ron, Dan, and Peter along Kevin, and Victor who are also enemies of Jennifer & Mark who they met playing Pokémon Go. They are at Penn's Landing doing raids not aware of Jennifer & Mark being near by. Outside of the museum Jennifer, Mark, Jack, & Nancy hang out by the river. Then suddenly Mark spots Ron, Dan, Peter, Kevin, & Victor as they are heading over to a raid. Mark suddenly discovered a new power invisibility so does Jennifer. They both make themselves invisible in front of Nancy & Jack while telling them to go hide but it was too late as Peter grabbed both Jack & Nancy said Jen & Mark are going to pay for what they did to me if she had went out with me this would be avoided. Then Jennifer after hearing this discovers she also has ice powers uses them on Peter turning him into a popsicle. Then Mark discovers another power telekinesis which he uses to free Jack & Nancy from Peter's frozen hands. Then Mark thaws Peter out and sends him flying into a tree where he falls out it of flat onto his face. While Kevin tries to go after Nancy & Jack but Jennifer sprays water from the Delaware River onto him, Ron, Victor, & Dan. Then Bella joins in as she see Dan trying to attack Jack as Cleo helps her out with using her water powers then Bella uses her powers to turn the water into jelly around Dan's feet. Then they all retreat and run away. Then Jennifer, Mark, Jack, & Nancy retreat into the museum. Then Jennifer & Mark become visible again Tara, Helen, Mr. Singh, & Gloria are shocked to see this. Mark asks Mr. Singh if it's possible if he along with Ms. Chadwick (Rikki) can find a room to discuss this in private. Mr Singh agrees and shows them a private room. Rikki tells her organizer & promoter the truth about her & her friends being mermaids and about what happened Jiao Long Bracelet. While Jennifer & Mark explain to Tara, Helen, and Gloria about them being a real mermaid & merman after being teleported to Mako Island. Jennifer, Mark & Rikki asks them if they can keep the secret. They all agree to keep the secret. Afterwards Rikki says you have to come with us to Australia to help us save Mako Island & the world . Mark asks why what happened? Rikki said during my last visit back to Gold Coast before I came here to Philadelphia Mimmi & Ondina 2 of the 3 mermaids told me about how Aurora has taken over Mako Island & to get all the help you get to help us preparing for the upcoming battle with her. Jennifer asks when do we leave? Rikki says we leave next week so get yourself a passport Jennifer.

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