Chapter 21 The Final Battle

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One month later at the Grotto Rita says everyone today is the day we have been preparing for this the final battle. Rita continues and says Jennifer & Mark you both are the chosen ones and there's a reason why the sword chose you both to weld it because of your friendship with each other, your pure hearts, and also you both care about the sea. Jennifer says thanks Rita we won't let you down at all. The Australian Royal & US Navies will be assisting us by sending in commandos to aid us however we have to protect these commandos as they don't stand a chance against magic. Their weapons won't work so we will be letting them magic to aid them instead. Mimmi says I have been teaching the commandos some spells to aid them. Mark asks Rita when do we move out to fight? Rita says tonight as the full moon rises that's when we make our move. Mark asks what about our moon rings? Sirena says have them ready as Aurora and her guards as well anyone else involved will be armed with them too. Rita says it's time I give Zac a moon ring too. Rita gives Zac a moon ring as well and doesn't hesitate to practice with Evie & Mimmi. Rita also gives Ash, Bella, Cleo, Emma, Gloria, Lewis, Maria, Will, & Zane their own moon rings. They also join Zac in practicing with their newly acquired moon rings. Amaris asks Rita how she and others can help. Rita says you are too young to fight Amaris I promise you when you are older you will be able to help protect Mako but for now the answer is no. Rita continues and says you girls have to stay here for your safety. Amaris argeed and then goes over to Neptina, Ava, Jewel, & Naia and talks about this. Naia says they are going to need our help in case something goes wrong Mako is our home and plus the world we live in is in danger. Neptina said if we don't act now we won't have a home to go back to. The girls draw out their plans, while the mission to take back Mako Island and save the world starts. Gloria & Maria who also were given moon rings join in with practice to help out in the conflict. At Rikki's Mansion Veridia gives a speech to all the pods about the upcoming war against Aurora. She says this won't be a easy fight but together we are united as one. She goes on and says there will be casualties as Aurora will do anything & everything to keep Mako to herself. She goes on and says this modern war not only unites all the pods & mermen who want peace but also land people since it involves everyone fighting to save the world. Before everyone heads out Rikki is given a moon ring by Veridia and practices with it with her before the battle. Back at the Grotto everyone heads out to prepare for the final showdown. Cleo says I know Charlotte & Dr. Denman are likely waiting for us on Mako Island, while Ondina says I have a feeling Erik is going to be there. The first to move out onto Mako Island are the commando teams from both the United States & Royal Australian navies as they fly onto the island using helicopters they are then joined by Veridia & a team of mermaids on the beach. Then Veridia orders Aquata and her team to go with the Royal Australian Navy commandos, while the other team lead by Aquata's best friend who's name is Maya a young woman with dark skin joins the US Navy Seals to help them with the mission to liberate the island. The first group of commandos encounter a group of mermaids & mermen and don't hesitate to fight with their magic Aquata helps them defeat them. Then the second group lead by Maya also defeats more of Aurora's minions. They then secure the western lagoon while Jennifer, Mark, & the others swim into the moon pool and enter onto the island that way. Another group of commandos arrive to help guard the moon pool. Meanwhile Aurora sends Dr. Denman, Greg, Charlotte, & Erik to deal with Ash, Bella, Cleo, Emma, Lewis, Ondina, Will, Zac, & Zane. Meanwhile Amaris & the hatchlings sneak onto the island only come across a mermaid with Aurora who threatens to do harm to them until Jennifer & Mark come to the rescue using the sword to strike down the mermaid with a blue energy blast. Mark asks Amaris what you are and the others doing here on the island Rita told you to stay in the Grotto. Amaris said we wanted to help. Jennifer says Mark is right you don't belong here it's not safe go the moon pool where it's safe now. Amaris, Ava, Jewel, Naia, & Neptina all go to the moon pool but not before they save a injured commando by dragging them to safety. The girls dive into the water and swim to the moon pool. On the beach Charlotte, Erik, Greg, & Linda wait for the ones they fight. Ash, Bella, Cleo, Emma, Evie, Lewis, Lyla, Mimmi, Ondina, Rita, Will, Zac, & Zane. Mean while Cam & Carly don scuba gear and dive into the water to swim to the moon pool to help protect it not realizing that both entered while its a full moon and then magical sparkles surround both of them. Both get out of the moon pool to join Amaris, Ava, Jewel, Naia, & Neptina and the commandos. On the beach Charlotte, Greg, & Linda engage Ash, Bella, Cleo, Emma, Lewis, Will, & Zane. Charlotte strikes first but the boys & girls use their moon rings on her as they enhance their powers. Charlotte, Greg, & Linda are flung towards the water where the battle continues along the reef. Aurora casts the same spell she placed on Nerissa turning Charlotte, Greg, and Linda into water dragons. While Erik also dives into the water and then Aurora turns him into a dragon too. Ash, and the others dodge the breath of the dragons as Rikki said be careful this is what Weilan told me about when Evie first lost her powers & tail. Jennifer, Mark, & Nerissa head to the chamber to battle Aurora. Aurora says aw back for more? Mark says you bet because we came prepared. Aurora cackles and says I'm too. Aurora begins by attacking Nerissa, as Mark & Jennifer weld the sword together. Aurora attacks with her trident as both Jennifer & Mark use their moon rings increase the power of the sword which sends a powerful blast through the blade towards Aurora which also destroys the chamber & her trident. Meanwhile in the reef Bella, Cleo, Emma, & Rikki get hit with the breathe from Dr Denman, Greg, & Charlotte as dragons and lose their tails, & powers only to be saved by Amaris, Ava, Jewel, Naia, & Neptina. The girls get them to safety to the beach. The sword teleports Jennifer & Mark to the beach and a voice comes from the sword telling them to save their friends. While Nerissa continues to fight with Aurora Mark holds the sword up into the air, blasts Bella, Cleo, Emma, and Rikki with the energy from the sword. The girls suddenly get their powers & tails back once again just as the water dragons come to attack again the sword. Meanwhile Zac & his group fight Erik as the dragon Zac is able to use the turn the tide spell Weilan taught him during the time his mother was a water dragon. He uses it to protect everyone and sends the blast back at Erik which causes Erik to transform back and stripping him of his powers & tail for good. Zac saves Erik from the water and drags him back to the beach. Meanwhile Mark uses the sword on the Charlotte, Greg, & Linda as they use their dragon breathe to try to strip them of their powers only to have the breathe bounce back and hit the three dragons. Charlotte, Greg, & Linda lose their powers & tails for good. Ash, Lewis, Will, & Zane remove them from the water and place them onto the beach. Cleo uses her moon ring to restrain them just in case they try to escape. Aurora herself becomes a dragon and the battle escalates in the reef around Mako Island. Jennifer, Mark, Mimmi, Nerissa, & Zac fight Aurora as the dragon. The sword unleashed a powerful barrier that surrounds everyone to protect them from her breathe. Mark throws the sword at Aurora as the dragon and it destroys Aurora for good before she says I have others who will avenge me. The sword returns to Mark's hand and it was finally over the war has ended. The commandos take the other mermaids & mermen who were part of Aurora's army into custody along with Charlotte, Dr. Deman, Erik, and Greg. Mako Island was free once again from the forces of evil. The next day Cam and Carly both turn into a merman & mermaid as Evie & Zac see it happen. They take them to the grotto to see Rita & Veridia. They talk about how it happen as they were trying to help protect the moon pool. Rita says we will be here for you and Cam & Carly if you have questions about your powers & tails. The following the leaders of the world and the heads of all the mermaid councils from each pod meet at the United Nations to discuss peace between them and peace between all merpeople. Everyone including Veridia herself all agree it's time our worlds unite as one. The head of the UN says it's time we recognize merpeople like we recognize people of all faiths, regions, & race. As a result of this now all merpeople can revel themselves to land people without keeping it a secret. Back in Philadelphia Jennifer & Mark go onto become professional merfolk, while Zac proposes to Evie, Rita has a new boyfriend in Dr. Ross, David also proposes to Sirena, same with Cam with Carly. The world was at last at peace for now knowing it's saviors will be called upon once again if needed.

The End

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