Chapter 3 The First Full Moon & new friends

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A month later day of the Full Moon is also when Community Day in Harry Potter Wizards Unite happened. Maria was back in town this time for Wizards Unite Community Day. Both Mark and Jennifer go and see her. Jennifer says Maria it's be while since I last seen you. Then Maria talks to Jennifer in private and tells her Mark informed her about the secret. Jennifer thanks her for saving him from Ron, Dan, and Peter. Suddenly a woman with blonde hair accompanied by a woman with brunette hair, & 2 other women with blonde hair approach Jennifer & Mark. The first blonde speaking in a Australian accent says be aware of the Full Moon strange things are bond to happen tonight. Mark asks what do you mean by that & who are you ladies? The first blonde says I'm Emma, & these are my friends Cleo, Rikki, & Bella. Jennifer says Rikki are the same Ms Chadwick the famous diver who recovers treasures? Rikki says yep I'm her here on tour in Philadelphia for 3 months with my treasures at the Independence Seaport Museum but however we came to warn you about the full moon tonight. Mark asks do you ladies know something? Jennifer asks do you know that me & Mark are a mermaid & merman? Cleo says yes we do. Mark asks please explain how you know? Bella says I seen you fight 3 men Mark and the third one threw you into the river and you helped out by your friend with the blue hair. Mark says ok interesting go on. Cleo tells Jennifer about seeing her livestream and the moment she out as she ended it on Twitch. Jennifer tells the girls about Mark being autistic and he had no choice to his parents, sister, and Maria about the secret and about how she had no choice to tell her kids because of her being a parent not to mention Shaun since they were around. Rikki tells both of them about how her, Cleo, & Emma became mermaids on Mako Island while Bella tells Jennifer how she became a mermaid when she was 9 years old in Ireland. Then Mark tells them about how they were teleported to Mako Island all the way from Philadelphia. Rikki asks Mark did you see other mermaids in the moon pool? Mark says no I didn't why you ask me this? Rikki says because Mako is the home to a pod of real mermaids who were born at sea. 4 years ago in 2016 while in Gold Coast I met 3 mermaids who were seeking the Jiao Long Bracelet I recovered from one of my dives to defeat a water dragon which later turned out to be the mother of one of them and a merman. Her name was Mimmi the one who used the bracelet while her friends were Ondina who was born as part of the Mako Pod, and Weilan who's from China & was part of the Eastern Pod that was wiped out. Also mentioned about another girl who was human who lost her tail & powers due to being hit by the dragon's breathe named Evie. Mimmi's mother was a mermaid named Nerissa & she was turned into a water dragon by a evil mermaid named Aurora. Mark says that's interesting but what's this got to do with us? Emma said we believe the Mako Pod went missing. And also we came to help you deal with the full moon. Mark says I can't sleep with girls no offense but how are you all going to help me? Bella says we can help you with that and explain to your parents that you were invited to a last minute trip with Jennifer and us. Cleo says you won't be alone Mark because I have my husband Lewis along with Emma's husband Ash, Rikki's fiancé Zane and Bella's husband Will to help you deal with the effects of the full moon while Jennifer will be with us same with her kids. Jennifer says I know someone else who we can trust my younger brother Jack & his girlfriend Nancy I will ask them to help us out. At first the girls didn't agree to it until they said yes.

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