Chapter 7 Dinner at the Ocean Cafe

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At the Ocean Cafe Evie & Zac shows Jennifer, & Mark around the cafe Rita & the others find themselves some tables. There they are introduced to a young man with brown curly hair and he introduces himself to them & says I'm David I run & own the Ocean Cafe. Jennifer says I'm Jennifer but you can call me Jenny for short and Mark says I'm Mark. David says pleasure to meet you both and Zac told me you are both a mermaid & merman too is that correct? Mark says yes it is we were both teleported to Mako Island from our home town of Philadelphia Pennsylvania in the United States of America one day while I was with swimming with Jen over here as she's been helping me to be a merman for gigs and performances. David says that's a interesting story your secret is safe with me and my manager Carly. Evie introduces Jennifer, Mark, Nancy, Jack, Marth, & Lexi to Carly a young woman with blonde hair. Then a young man with blonde hair walks into the cafe. Zac introduces Jennifer, Mark, & the others to him by saying this is my best friend Cam he runs a juice bar on the beach where he's also a lifeguard at too. Mark asks Zac how did you discover you were a merman? Zac says ‪it happened one night‬ while I was camping with Cam on Mako Island during a full moon I went to the cave to the trident chamber and fell through the floor into the moon pool while Lyla, Nixie, & Sirena were watching the moon pool which lead to them being banished from the pod. Then later I discovered I was always a merman and never a land boy it was a spell my mother cast on me when I was a baby. Ever since Mimmi came into the picture her and I started having shared visions with each other which lead to us finding out that we are siblings. David finally formally meets Amaris for the first time and says hey you were that mermaid I seen under the jetty at the time Welian used her magic on me I'm sorry I scared you at the time you can trust me the secret is safe. Amaris says I now know that not all land people are bad. David says I'm David, and Amaris says I'm Amaris these are my friends Ava, Naia, & Jewel. David says nice to meet you girls feel free come here anytime your meals and drinks are on the house. Amaris says thanks and I didn't mean feel scared in front of you. Amaris explains why she was at the Jetty that day I was a student of Ondina's and I ran away from Mako Island at the time. Suddenly a guy with brown hair walks into the cafe to join our heroes and their new merfriends. Mimmi says Jennifer, Mark, this is my boyfriend & co-worker at the marine park Chris. She says Chris and her met one day when Rita was meeting with Dr. Ross who's a marine biologist at the marine park when I was talking to the dolphin there that time. He thought I wasn't supposed to be there when in reality Dr. Ross gave me permission to be there. Chris approaches Amaris and says hi Amaris how have you been? Amaris says I have been fine Chris I have to tell you something. Chris says go ahead. The time I ran form you, & Mimmi when I jumped into the moon pool on Mako Island when I was scared and then appeared dry afterwards is because like Mimmi I'm also a mermaid too. Chris says no worries your secret is safe since I know Mimmi is a mermaid. Chris asks her why you are here? Amaris said myself, Naia, Jewel, Ava, & Neptina had escaped Mako Island due to a dark presence that has control of the island. Chris asks is this true Mimmi and Mimmi said yes it is we are going to need all the help we can get to take the island back from these evil forces. Carly takes our heroes orders as Rikki, Cleo, Emma, Bella, Zane, Lewis, Ash, Will, Maria, & Gloria also join the dinner party at the cafe. Mark asks Maria what are you doing here in Gold Coast? Maria said Mark I came here to visit with Gloria as lives here in Australia. I got here 3 days ago before you arrived. Then after a wonderful dinner they are all treated to singing from Bella, Carly, & Sirena with David playing the guitar. After the amazing evening at the Ocean Cafe our heroes head back to Rita's for the night.

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