Chapter 20 preparing for the final battle, & new powers

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The next day Rita says it's come down to this Aurora wants a all out war between land & merpeople who don't believe in her beliefs we are going to need all the help we can get now. She continues and says we have all the pods assembled thanks to Rikki. Veridia gathers the heads of the mermaid councils from all the pods to discuss the plan and says we help from land people. Maria says I have some friends who are in the US Army who stationed in the outback I will see if they can help out and get the Royal Australian Army. Rita says that's great Maria it would take days to get to the outback. Mark says Rita since I know how we can come in 1 because I can teleport now. Rita says ok Mark you, Jennifer, & Maria can teleport to the base. Mark says we are on it Rita. They teleport to the base in the outback at first the guards at the base aren't convinced until Maria discovers her powers and splashed herself, Jennifer, & Mark turning them into merpeople. The military officials then come and ask how we can help you out. Mark explains about Aurora's plan to take over the world with all out war against humanity & merpeople as well as ruining the world. Mark says we need all the help we can that includes the military. The army officials contact the Navy to prepare some ships to come to Mako Island for the conflict. They also contact the the Royal Australian Navy to also get involved. Mark teleports back to the grotto to get Rita and comes back with her & Veridia as well as the head of each global mermaid council pods. The heads of each council talk to the military about this upcoming conflict and agree to keep it a secret from the public until after it's over. Later back at the Grotto Rita says now we have serious help backing us up but we also need more people to help out too. Evie recruits her father to help out once again, while Rikki contacts people she knows who she trusts can help out too, and lastly Emma gets Ms Chatham, & Max to help out. At Rikki's mansion her and Zane talk about once it's over they can go on their honeymoon. Rikki says for now Zane the plan is coming together. At the Grotto Rita says the attack on Mako starts during the next full moon in a month be aware this conflict will have casualties and this will be a battle that decides the fate of the whole world.

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