Chapter 16 Librating the Mako Pod & the Moon Pool

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At the Grotto Rikki, Cleo, Emma, Bella, Ash, Lewis, Will, & Zane join Rita to talk about the battle with Charlotte and how Aurora played a role in Charlotte getting her powers & tail back. Emma said that was impossible Charlotte lost her powers and tail after we dropped her into the moon pool during a full moon which the planets were all aligned with each other. Rita said Mark believes that Aurora has a magical trident based on the original merman trident that Zac destroyed. Rita tells Bella, Cleo, Emma, & Rikki about the original trident and it's role played in the merman war in Mako Island. Mimmi says we need to rescue the pod, & recapture the moon pool from Aurora. Rita Mark says we are going to need help with and I know who. Maria suddenly comes to the Grotto and is introduced to everyone including Rita herself. Jennifer & Mark fill Maria on what's going on and ask if she's in and willing to help. She said yes as I was once in the United States Army and my military experience will come in handy. The mission is simple recapture the moon pool and rescue the Mako Pod. Rita says after the moon pool has been recaptured Jennifer you and the others need to be taught to overcome the moon spell. Maria says wouldn't need scuba gear to go into the cave? Evie says yes you would but do you have someone to dive with? Maria says yes Gloria can be my dive buddy for this mission. Evie says I have been gathering people we can trust to help us out on this mission. My father is one of them and the fact this battle alone can't just be fought by merpeople alone we also need land people to help out too. Rita says Evie is right this battle is going to eventually get land involved especially if we are going to save the world from Aurora. The dive team will head into the moon pool protecting the mermaids and mermen who in it during the full moon after the fight to reclaim it. The dive team will be lead by Lewis, who will also be joined by Will, Ash, & Zane. Evie says I will talk to my father about this. Will says I don't need scuba gear as I'm a free diver. Evie said thanks for telling me Will we will be aware of this. Rita says we will need a team to find where the Pod & Veridia are being held at. That team will be lead by Nerissa who will have Zac to back her up along with Aquata, Bella, Cleo, Emma, Evie, & Rikki. The raid begins as the last of the day time activities around Mako Island end. Doug gets the boat ready as the divers get geared up and splash into the water with Lewis leading the way into the moon pool cave with Maria, & the others following. Meanwhile the land team storms the beach as Nerissa's team takes out Aurora's men & women on the beach. Meanwhile the dive team storms into the moon pool battling the mermaids & mermen guarding it. Maria with her martial arts skills defeats a mermaid & merman single handily. Then Jennifer, Mark & the others come to the moon pool to help defeat the rest of the Aurora's soldiers. Meanwhile Cleo saves Evie from one of the mermaids that tried to attack her. Evie uses her moon ring to knock out the remaining guards as they fight their way to where the pod is being held at. Meanwhile back at the moon pool it was finally secured Mimmi casts a spell keep Aurora & her minions from retaking it a spell her mother taught until Mako Island has been completely retaken. As the full moon rises Lyla, Mimmi, Nixie, Ondina, Sirena, Rie, & Weilan prepare to help our heroes out with overcoming the moon spell while Maria, & the others watch over the moon pool in case Aurora sends reinforcements. Then as the full moon rise they head to what used to be the merman trident chamber and see the pod inside unconscious everyone dives in and grabs everyone including Veridia a older mermaid with brown hair and then gets them out the chamber safely & successfully. Back in the moon pool Sirena says to everyone don't fight the moonlight let it control you and relax. Everyone does just that then everyone including Jennifer & Mark successfully break the moon spell over them. Suddenly a shockwave sends Ash, Lewis, Maria, Will, Zane, & Gloria all into the moon pool where they see sparkles surround them as the moonlight hits them. The shockwave was caused by Aurora who spots Nerissa as a battle between them starts. Sirena gets everyone out of the moon pool and to safety as Jennifer & Mark swim with the sword to help Nerissa. Also Mimmi casts the spell to protect the moon pool from being captured again by Aurora. Aurora says aw Nerissa we meet again at last and now you are mine. Then Mark yells I don't think so Aurora. Aurora says Jennifer & Mark how? Jennifer said the sword told us to come here and help Nerissa. Aurora says prepare to die as Mark slashes a shockwave with the sword. Aurora uses her trident to try to steal their powers as it has no effect due to the sword stealing its power. Mark says we retreat for now Nerissa and Aurora we will be back you are in for a big surprise when we do. Aurora cackles & says you don't know what you have gotten yourselves into. Back at the Grotto Veridia & Rita reunite with each other. Veridia says that the 2 land people from America who became merpeople are our saviors. Rita says yes there were also other land people who also protected the moon pool but fell into it due to the shockwave from the brief fight with Aurora. Veridia says we will be sure to help them out with becoming merpeople. The next day as Mara is with Gloria at the beach with Jennifer & Mark both of them touch water then they discovered both have became mermaids with Maria & Gloria getting orange tails & tops just like Jennifer and the other mermaids. But Mark is able to dry them up quickly before anyone sees them. Meanwhile as Ash, Emma, Cleo, Lewis, Rikki, Zane, & Bella and Will all go swimming the boys themselves find out they got tails too and are now mermen themselves with them getting blue tails just like Mark, Zac, & the others mermen. Everyone regroups at the Ocean Café and talks about what happened after they fell into the moon pool & discovering they are merpeople and also have powers too. Also they are joined by Veridia and Rita who decided to celebrate the successful rescue of the Mako Pod as members of the Mako Pod join the other pods at Rikki's mansion to prepare for the final battle.

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