Chapter 15 Epic battle vs Charlotte

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The next day Rie starts to teach Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, & Mark the martial arts skills that she learned from her pod. They all start out with basic skills like punching & kicking. Then Rie has Jennifer & Mark spar with each other while Jack & Nancy become sparing partners. After hours of training they call it a day and then decide to pick up where they left off tomorrow. The next day they continue they left off the previous day. Rie then incorporates the use of the sword with the skills she taught the previous day. She sets up a dummy and has the dummy to use powers. Mark goes first does a flying kick while wielding the sword. Mark's kick hits the dummy and knocks it down. Then Jennifer gives it a try as well and she is also successful in landing the kick. Meanwhile at Charlotte's mansion Charlotte is eager to find Cleo, Lewis, Emma, & Rikki as she turns on the tv she sees Rikki on tv holding a book signing of her second book. Charlotte says it's a great time to get back at them. At Rikki's book signing Ash, Bella, Chris, Cleo, Emma, Karl, Lewis, Lyla, Mimmi, Nixie, Sirena, Weilan, & Zane are in attendance. Then Mr. Singh says Ms. Chadwick is now signing copies of her second book. A huge line gathers as people await to meet Rikki & have her sign their books. Charlotte shows up pretending to have her book signed then she uses her powers to create chaos. Charlotte yells Cleo, Emma, Lewis, & Rikki I have come to get you for the time you ruined everything for me. Bella joins in and uses her jelly powers on Charlotte as Cleo throws a water ball at her and the jelly gets on Charlotte turning her into a mermaid. But Charlotte then uses her heat powers to dry herself off. Then Lyla, Mimmi, Nixie, Sirena, & Weilan join in the fight as Charlotte sent Bella flying into a wall. At the Grotto as Rie continues to train Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, & Mark in the Izu pod arts as Zac suddenly gets a vision of Mimmi being in trouble as he, Evie, Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, Mark, & Rie head out to come to the rescue. Charlotte uses her powers on Lewis and says you thought you could dump me for Cleo? Lewis says yes Charlotte I loved Cleo because she was the one for me not you because you tried to tear us apart. Charlotte said you were wrong and now you, Cleo, Emma, Rikki, and anyone else who gets in my way will pay for interfering. Then suddenly Charlotte feels a foot hit her in the face as she screams and is sent flying into a wall. It was Mark welding the sword as Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, & Rie help the others to safety. Mark says no one messes with my friends and gets away with it. Charlotte asked Mark who are you? Mark says I'm Mark and I'm your worst nightmare Charlotte Watsford I know who are my friends told me about you. Then Mark uses the sword to send whatever Charlotte throws at him back at her. Then after that Evie, Lyla, Mimmi, Nixie, Ondina, Sirena, Rie, Zac, & Weilan come and help out. Charlotte splashes all of them with water and is surprised to see more mermaids, and a merman. Charlotte asks Mimmi what are you? Mimmi says we are mermaids real ones born in the sea. Charlotte says it doesn't matter now you will all pay for your interference. Mark gives Jennifer the sword as she welds it to save everyone. Charlotte then suddenly sends water towards Jennifer and Mark turning them into merpeople. The sword quickly dries everyone up and they get their legs back. Jennifer gets into a fight with Charlotte as she lands blows on her with punches & kicks. Charlotte retreats as the police arrive. Charlotte says we will meet again and next time I will come up on top. Rikki talks to the police about what happened without talking about them being merpeople. Back at the Grotto they talk to Rita about the return of Charlotte. Rikki tells Rita that it's impossible Charlotte shouldn't have her powers back. Rita said unless it's Aurora and she used her magic to restore her powers & tail. Mark asked Rita what happened to the original trident? Rita tells Mark it was destroyed by Zac but the stone was later destroyed after it nearly killed him while fighting Erik a merman who had cruel intentions. Mark say Aurora must have created a new trident this time one that does everything the sword can do but expect evil things. Afterwards everyone meets up at the Ocean Café to get their minds off of the battle against Charlotte and how innocent people were injured during this fight. Back at Charlotte's mansion she veils to never lose to Cleo & her friends again.

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