Chapter 11 A Reunion between old friends and the return of Charlotte Watsford

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The next day at the Grotto Cleo, Rikki, Emma, Bella, Lewis, Zane, Ash, & Will show up with Ms. Chatham to take Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, Lexi, Mark, & Marth to meet with Max Hamilton. Rita finally meets Ms. Chatham and Rita tells her about when she was banished from the Mako Pod because of falling in love with her dead fiancé Harry to how she was principal at Gold Coast High. Rita asks is it true you were a mermaid once due to being in the moon pool during a full moon? Ms. Chatham said yes and explained about how it happened and how her and friends ended up giving up their powers. Lewis takes them to a house by the sea near a beach. They are greeted by a old man with grey hair on his head and a grey goatee. Lewis says everyone this is Max Hamilton. Max says Lewis long time no see I see you have some new friends. Lewis said yep these are Jennifer & Mark from America they were teleported to Mako during a full moon into the moon pool by a evil mermaid, this is Emma, Rikki, Bella, Ash, Zane, Will, our former teacher Ms. Rita Santos, Zac, his girlfriend Evie, Sirena, Nixie, Lyla, Zac's sister Mimmi, Ondina, & Weilan. Max says pleasure to meet you all Lewis says that's not all someone who you haven't seen in years is also here too. Ms. Chatham says Max it's been years since we all went our separate ways. Max says Louise it's been so long I still miss Gracie even to this day. Ms. Chatham said I do too she passed away years ago along with Julia. He talks about how he met Lewis, & Cleo as well as how Charlotte became a mermaid herself. Rita talks to Max and tells him about how there have been real merpeople have lived among side humans for years. Rita even dives into the water & shows him that she's a real mermaid the others do as well. Max is like I didn't know that real mermaids & mermen live among us humans. Max looks at Zac and asks him do all mermen have blue tails like you? Zac replies yes we do while Max said and all mermaids have orange tails & tops. Max said that's interesting I never knew about mermen or real mermaids. Meanwhile at a mansion a woman with red hair & a red bathing suit lounges by the pool. She was Charlotte Watsford who now is a talented artist. Charlotte has never gotten over being defeated by Cleo, Rikki, & Emma and being betrayed by Lewis after he dumped her. Suddenly Charlotte sees a glowing light in her pool and she dives into the pool and is teleported to Mako Island to Aurora's chamber. Charlotte asks Aurora who are you and what do you want with me? Aurora says I'm Aurora a powerful mermaid who wants to take over the world. Charlotte asked what does this have to do with me? Aurora says you were once a mermaid were you? Charlotte replies yes I was because I wanted to be one like my late grandmother that was taken away from me after I was defeated by 3 other girls named Cleo, Rikki, & Emma when they dropped me into the moon during a full moon when the planets were aligned with each other the same way my grandmother lost her powers & tail. Aurora asks her how would you like to join my army in exchange for me restoring your powers & tail as well as your revenge these girls you talk about? Charlotte says I also want revenge against Lewis a boy who dumped me for Cleo I will do it as long as I get my revenge against him too. Aurora says you have yourself a deal may I ask what your name is? Charlotte says my name is Charlotte. Aurora says well Charlotte step forth and I will restore what you had lost. Aurora pulls her trident out and uses it on Charlotte to restore her powers & tail. Charlotte tests her powers out and then dives into the moon pool as she swims back home. It worked after Aurora's magic gave Charlotte what she wanted back. Back at Max's house Rikki tells Max how Julia's locket was found it was in a jewelry store after Julia had passed away then it was bought by Miriam Kent who threw it into the water which lead to both Emma, & Zane finding it underwater, while Emma tells him how she found Ms. Chatham's locket after Zane accidentally sunk her boat forcing her to save him from drowning. Max tells Rita about how he kept the secret, and how he discovered it in the first place when he seen Gracie, Ms. Chatham, & Julia as mermaids. Rita says that's interesting story you remind me of when I was banished from the pod and fell in love with Harry who later died he was going to marry me. Max asks what's a pod? Rita says it's a group of mermaids who live together there are more than one pod there are pods of mermaids around the world. Max asked how come there were no mermen in the pods? Rita tells Max about the war that happened years into the past between mermaids & mermen on Mako Island. Ever since mermen were sent to live on with humans. Max says I didn't know that thanks for telling me all of this. Rita says anytime Max. Zac says Max feel free to come to the Ocean Café with us for lunch. Max agrees and comes with everyone to the Ocean Café. Meanwhile back at Charlotte's mansion Charlotte says Cleo, Rikki, Emma, & Lewis I'm back and nobody messes with Charlotte Watsford & then gets away with this. Charlotte lets out a huge cackle and makes water balls shaped like the girls & Lewis's faces, freezes them, & then smashes them.

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