Chapter 17 Erik's revenge

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The next day at the grotto everyone regroups as Rita says we have some new mermaids & mermen as a result of the last conflict. As Ash, Maria, Lewis, Will, Zane, & Gloria come forth to talk about how they fell into the moon pool they were guarding as Jennifer, Jack, Nancy, Mark, Lexi, & Marth were being taught to overcome the moon spell the fighting between Aurora & Nerissa caused them to fall into the moon pool during the full moon. Veridia comes forward and says you 6 who fell into the moon pool during the full moon while protecting it. She continues by saying as the head of the Mako Mermaid council myself and fellow council members agree to help you all out especially during this dark time it's up to us merpeople & land people to come together to unite to save not only Mako Island but also the world. Veridia says we also need mermen to help us defeat the threat Aurora has created. Meanwhile a young man with brown hair is teleported to Mako Island. He recognized the place he was at as he had been here before. Aurora says I brought you here because you are a merman who had used the original trident stone to try to activate this chamber didn't you Erik? Erik said yes I have and how do you know my name & that I'm a merman? Aurora says I'm Aurora and I know everything. Erik says I just want payback against Veridia & Zac from preventing me for finding out this chamber's secret & Ondina for dumping me for choosing the chamber over her. Aurora says well there can be arranged join my army and help me take over the world. Erik agrees and sets out to find Ondina & Zac to battle them. Meanwhile at Rikki's mansion Rikki & Zane talk about their wedding. Zane says Rikki I can't wait to get married what about you? Rikki says I can't wait either. Meanwhile at the Ocean Café Erik uses his powers to pin Carly, & David as Cam hides and calls Zac to inform him Erik is back and he wants you & Ondina. At the Grotto Ash, Maria, Jennifer, Jack, Lewis, Nancy, Mark, & Gloria leave along with Ondina & Zac. Evie goes to Rikki's mansion to get Zane who also gets Rikki who contacts Bella, Cleo, & Emma. Mimmi arrives and her uses her powers to confront him. Erik uses his telekinesis to pin Mimmi to the wall as everyone runs out and scramble to safety. Zac then gets a vision of Mimmi being in trouble along Chris also comes to help. Erik says aw Ondina & Zac I have been waiting for you both it's time to pay for ruining my plans for the chamber and you Ondina dumping me because of my choice Aurora recruited me to help her. Ondina said no Erik you did this to yourself you chose the chamber over me and that's why I have been disappointed in you for your actions. Zac says why would join my mother's sworn enemy to bring destruction? Erik says Aurora is this planet's new ruler and there's nothing that can stop her at all. Erik suddenly uses his powers on both Carly & David to threaten them if he doesn't fight Zac and here & now. Zac throws a water ball at Erik who throws it back at him as he dodges it. Then Bella, Cleo, Emma, & Rikki show up to help. The girls use their powers on Erik who splashed them with water and turned them into mermaids. Erik pins Zac against the wall then Jennifer & Mark send Erik flying with a flying kick. Then Mark welds the sword and uses its power as the sword protects everyone from Erik. Mark slashes Erik with the sword sending him outside as the fight damages the wall to the cafe. Jennifer then is given the sword to finish Erik off as she uses it send Erik flying into the water as he yells I will be back and you will pay for your interference. Erik lands into the water and swims away after he transformed into a merman. Back at the Grotto Rita says Aurora must be getting desperate to recruit Erik into her cause. Carly & David show up at the Grotto as Rita says I'm sorry to hear about the cafe and the damage caused by Erik. David says Ms Santos it will take time to repair & rebuild the cafe even Ms. Rikki Chadwick & Mr Zane Bennett will be donating to the cause. Rita says that's great we will need help for the final battle are you along with Cam, & Carly willing help out in anyway? David says yes we are Ms Santos we have been keeping the secret about you and everyone else being mermaids. Rita says that's good we will need all the help we can get.

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