Chapter 12 Family, Rie's day, Amaris' first date, and Dr. Denman Returns

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The next day at a unknown laboratory a woman with blonde hair and her assistant who's a man with a bald head work on research they had years ago. The bald man says Dr. Denman it's ready. Linda says thanks Greg after all these years I have been laughed ever since Lewis & his friends made fools out of us I have been waiting to get my revenge. Then Linda & Greg are attracted too the light in their aquarium both dive in and are teleported to Mako Island to Aurora's chamber. Linda asks who are you and what do you want with me & Greg? Aurora says I need some humans to help me to takeover the world. Linda says I seek revenge against Cleo, Rikki, Emma, Lewis, & Zane for foiling my plans to be a famous marine biologist. Aurora asked you also have a beef against these mermaids too? You aren't the only one a woman named Charlotte also seeks revenge too. Linda says so I'm not the only who's enemies with these girls? Linda says I will join your army if Greg & I become a mermaid & merman ourselves. Aurora says agreed I will turn both you 2 into merpeople. Aurora uses the trident and takes them to the moon pool to emulate a full moon both feel sparkles around them as the moon pool bubbles around them. Then suddenly both Greg & Linda get powers similar to the girls. Both get wet & get tails that are black & purple. Linda gets a purple tail & top while Greg gets a black tail. Both go back to their lab to plan their trap. Mean while at the Grotto Rita tells Sirena, & the other mermaids to take Rie around town to show her what they do for fun. Mean while Jennifer, Nancy, Mark, Lexi, & Marth all go out for a swim around the coral reef with Evie, Zac, Lyla, Nixie, & Mimmi. Then Lyla takes them out further to sea to watch a pod of humpback whales swim by. Back at the Grotto Amaris feels bored & asks Rita if she could go with Sirena & the others. Rita says yes you may Amaris as long as you listen to Ondina & stay with her. Amaris along with Ondina, Sirena, Rie, & Weilan head out to town for some shopping, visit the sites of Gold Coast, and then head to the Ocean Café for some lunch. At the Ocean Café they are greeted by Cam, Carly, David, & a young teenage boy. This boy was Carly's younger brother named Jake. Jake notices Amaris and goes over to her. He introduces himself to her and says I'm Jake and asks Amaris her name. Amaris said my name is Amaris pleasure to meet you Jake. Jake asked want to join me for lunch? Amaris said yes I will join you. Carly & Ondina said to both of them better stay out of trouble. Carly takes both her brother & Amaris' orders. Carly serves Amaris a lobster & some prawns while her brother gets a burger & fries. Amaris & Jake chat as they eat their lunch and Jake asked Amaris would you like to go to the movies with me? Amaris asked what's a movie? Jake explains to her what a movie is. Amaris says yes I would like to go to the movies with you. Jake then asks Carly if he and Amaris can go see a movie together. Carly says if you both go me & Ondina need to chaperone you both. Jake agreed to the conditions as they all head to the movies. Meanwhile Cleo & Lewis visits her family she stops by her old home. She is greeted by a woman with blonde hair it's her sister Kim, a man in his 50s with a woman in her 40s. They were her father Donald Sertori, and her step mother Samantha. Then a woman with brunette hair is at the door it was Cleo & Kim's birth mother Bev who had came for a visit. Donald says Cleo how's my girl doing and Lewis my favorite son-in-law? Cleo said we are fine Dad. Then Kim says Cleo, Lewis how have you both been? Cleo says Kim my younger sister I can't believe you are getting married soon. At the door is a young man with blonde hair who's accompanied by Emma & Ash it's none other than Elliott her younger brother who years after he dumped Kim decided to give her another chance is going to be marrying her soon. Followed by Elliott a man with a woman they are Emma & Elliott's parents Neil & Lisa Gilbert. They came over to the Setori's to talk about the marriage between their youngest kids. Meanwhile at Rikki's mansion Rikki answers the door to see a man in his 50's it was her father Terry who came to visit her and Zane. Terry says Rikki hows my favorite girl doing? Rikki says I'm fine Dad been busy touring around the world with the treasures I have recovered from my adventures. Terry says I'm so proud of you for what you have done with your life. Rikki says Dad I have a secret to share with you. Rikki takes Terry to her pool as she dives with her clothes on and Terry is shocked to see his daughter as a mermaid. Rikki says its not just me but also Cleo, Emma, & Bella too. She said even Zane, Lewis, Ash, & Will all know too. Rikki explains why she acted this way ever since she was 15 to her father. At the movies Amaris & Jake have a great time together with Carly & Ondina supervising them. After the movie they head to the beach. As water hits Amaris she dives into the water and transforms back into her mermaid form which Jakes sees. Then Amaris asks Jake to promise her he keeps her secret as a mermaid as Amaris kisses Jake on the cheek. Jake agrees to it especially Carly and Ondina seen it happen plus Carly tells Jake that she knew about the secret especially since she tells him about Ondina being a mermaid herself. They go a part of the beach where they swim with each other and then afterwards they all go back home. Back the Setori home Cleo & Emma tell their secret to their family. Cleo especially says Kim you were right about me when I was 15 I'm a mermaid so is Rikki, Emma, & Bella. Cleo & Emma splash themselves in front of their families and they transform into mermaids. Their parents & siblings are in shock to see what their daughters had become. But however their parents & siblings agree to keep the secret especially since they had to explain about why they behaved they did during their teen years including why Emma quit the swim team. Back at the Grotto after their swim Jennifer, Mark, Jack, Nancy, Marth, & Lexi finish up. Then Rita teaches them some basic skills with their powers. Meanwhile Rie comes back with Sirena, & Weilan after having a fun day.

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