Chapter 10 The return of the Eastern Pod & the new merpeople

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In the grotto Rita talks to Jennifer & Mark about how it's important to go to China to help Welian restore the Eastern Pod. She says you 2 go with Weilan I will be sure to help Jack, Nancy, Lexi, & Marth help them out them out with their merpeople powers and swimming like merpeople. She also says Jennifer your kids will be with me in mermaid school I will teach them how to use their powers. Jennifer, Mark, & Weilan all swim with the sword for Shanghai to meet with the mermaids who lost their powers & tails. Mean while Mimmi & Ondina take Jack & Lexi out for their first swim while Rita has Marth & Lexi swim with them & the Hatchlings. While swimming Jack, Nancy, Lexi, & Marth learn time speed swim with bubbles surrounding them. 3 hours later Jennifer, Mark, & Weilan all reach Shanghai then 30 minutes later Welian gathers all the mermaids who lost their powers and Mark holds the sword up into the air as the blue energy zaps the girls & women who lost their powers & tails. Then they all dive into the water making confirmation that the sword did its job. They then swim back Gold Coast. Back in Gold Coast the Eastern Pod stays at Rikki's mansion they prepare for the big battle. Back at Rita's the grotto our heroes return and get ready to go to out to eat at the Ocean Café. Everyone heads over to the cafe where they are met by a elderly woman with blonde hair who's with Emma, Cleo, & Rikki. Jennifer & Mark are introduced to her by them. The woman says I'm Ms. Louise Chatham I was one of the mermaids from 1955. Mark says yeah I know the girls told me but I'm not sure if you are aware that there are real merpeople out there. Ms. Chatham said no I didn't you mean real mermaids & mermen live among us humans? Yes they do in fact some of them are here now. Mark gets Zac, Sirena, & Mimmi as Rikki introduces them to Ms. Chatham. Ms. Chatham asks what's the color of a merman's tail? Zac says we mermen get blue tails then Ms. Chatham say I didn't know that. Ondina says you and your friends were attracted the moon pool the same way Rikki was because you 3 are Mako Mermaids. Ms. Chatham said my friends & I lost our powers & tails after we jumped into the moon pool & became human again because it became too much for us. Ondina says it doesn't matter you and your friends will always be mermaids to me. Ms. Chatham said thanks that means a lot to me. Also at the cafe a woman in a red dress who looks like Zac shows up and talks to our heroes and asks them if they are Jennifer & Mark? Both replied yes and both say who are you? The woman says I'm Nerissa the mother of Mimmi, & Zac? Mark says your the Nerissa the arch enemy of Aurora herself? Nerissa says yes the very same. Both Jennifer & Mark tell Nerissa about how Aurora teleported they to Mako and other things. Nerissa says that's a interesting story you both were trying to be merpeople for entertainment and you both ended up being a real mermaid and merman. Meanwhile Ms. Chatham runs into Zane and Zane says look Ms. Chatham I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you in the past and I know about Cleo, Emma, & Rikki being mermaids. Zane continues and says I have kept the secret ever since. Ms. Chatham says that's all in the past and I'm glad you kept the secret because Julia's ex boyfriend Karl was similar to you. He tried to expose her by taking pictures of her. Zane says yeah at first I was obsessed with mermaids ever since Emma, & Rikki saved my life ‪2 times but after Dr.‬ Denman tricked me, & my father I had to follow my heart & save her and them. Ms. Chatham said it seems Rikki was more important to you than fame & fortune. Zane said yes it was and it also was a wake up call for my father as well. Lewis then said to Ms. Chatham did you know a man named Max Hamilton? He told me made the lockets and also gave me his research on Mako Island. Ms. Chatham said yes he was one of my friends and he was very close to Gracie. Lewis said we later discovered that Gracie had a granddaughter who came between me and Cleo named Charlotte. He coutinued and said she became a mermaid because she thought she was meant to be one. He goes on and says she stole the locket that belonged to Gracie thinking it was also meant to be her's. Then I broke up with her and she was defeated by the girls in the moon pool & lost her powers and tail the same way you & your friends did. Ms. Chatham I'm sure Gracie would had been very disappointed in Charlotte for her actions. Cleo, Rikki, Emma, & Bella ask Carly what they want to eat as they sit with their men. After dinner everyone goes home Jennifer & Mark look at the sword and practice with it in the Grotto at Rita's. As they were practicing a girl of Japanese descent appears in front of them. Rita introduces them to her and says Jennifer & Mark this is Rie Kurasaki from Japan as part of the Izu pod. Rie says nice to meet you both in English as Jennifer talks to her in Japanese. Rie says I'm hear to help you out in defeating Aurora she says.

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