Chapter 13 Gathering the Izu, Northern, South Pacific, & Western Pods

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The next day Rita advises a plan have the other pods join them in liberating Mako Island and preventing Aurora from taking over the world. Jennifer says I can go with Rie & Weilan to Japan to help gather the Izu Pod especially since I can speak Japanese. Mark says Jen let me come and help you. Jennifer says Mark I will be fine don't worry about me I know you worry about me a lot you can help out too by going with someone else. Mark tells Rita about how he has anxiety due to him being autistic and also how he worries about people who are close to him. Rita says Mark it will be ok Jennifer is right no need to worry about her in fact you can go with Sirena & her sister Aquata and help them gather the South Pacific Pod. Mark cries and then calms down by agreeing to go with them as Evie, Nancy, Jack, Lyla, Mimmi, Nerissa, Nixie, Sirena, Weilan, Zac, Jennifer, Rie, & Rita all comfort Mark as he has a meltdown based on his anxiety. Mark then says ok Rita I will go with Aquata, & Sirena then. Rita continues & says Evie, Mimmi, Nerissa, & Zac will gather the Northern Pod. Rita says to Lyla, Nixie, & Ondina that they will gather the Western pod. Before Mark goes Rita uses her moon ring to create a sheath for the sword for when Mark takes it with him when he helps gather the South Pacific Pod. A blonde hair woman comes into the Grotto. Sirena introduces Jennifer & Mark to her sister Aquata. Aquata says you were land people who were teleported to the moon pool? Jennifer said yes we were and Aurora was response for this and the capture of most of the Mako Pod and the mermaid council. Aquata says I will be glad to help save the Mako Pod. Afterwards Jennifer along with Rie & Weilan head for Japan, while Mark along with Aquata, & Sirena head off to the South Pacific, while Evie, Mimmi, Nerissa, & Zac head to Canada, and Lyla, Nixie, & Ondina head off in search of the western pod. While Jack, Nancy, Marth, & Lexi stay with Rita, & the hatchlings. 3 hours later Jennifer reaches Japan with Rie & Weilan. Both Jennifer& Rie talk to the Izu pod Mermaid Council about the battle against Aurora in Japanese. The heads of the Izu pod Council agree and they swim with Jennifer, Rie, & Weilan back to Australia. Meanwhile Aquata, Mark, & Sirena meet up with the South Pacific Mermaid Council they talk about the upcoming battle and about the Mako pod being captured. Like the Izu pod the South Pacific pod all agree to take part after Mark shows the Mermaid Council the sword that he and Jennifer recovered on Mako Island. They all head back to Australia mean while In Canada Evie, Mimmi, Nerissa, & Zac talk to the Northern Pod's council and they also agree to join in. Hours later everyone completes their missions and meets back up at the Grotto at Rita's. Rita talks to Mark and says See Mark you did great you handled not being worried about Jennifer as she was able to handle herself and I'm proud of you. Jennifer also says Mark I'm also proud of you too good work I also heard you gave a convincing speech to the South Pacific Pod Mermaid Council. Mark says thanks Jennifer & Rita that's what good friends they learn to handle what life throws at them. Meanwhile at Rikki's mansion the other pods join the Eastern Pod as they make a plan to stop Aurora. At Evie's house Evie talks to a man in his 50's it's her father Doug McLaren. Evie said Dad I have been keeping a secret from you for years the reason why I lost interest in diving briefly was because of what I'm about to tell you. Evie dives into the canal and shows her father that she's a mermaid. Doug says wow you became a mermaid for real? Evie said yes I did Dad while trying to protect Zac who's been a merman one night from Mimmi his sister who we didn't know she was at the time and Ondina. Doug says look Evie just because you are a mermaid doesn't change the fact you will always be my daughter and I love you for that. As he helps her out of the canal and he agrees to keep his own daughter's secret especially since she told him we will need all the help can get for the upcoming conflict on Mako Island. Later on everyone meets up at the Ocean Café for dinner and a concert performed by Carly, & Sirena doing a duet to new songs David wrote.

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