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The video ended... and people are applauding? I smile to myself as a warm fuzzy feeling fills my heart. It was so risky for me to show this because it's a hard topic... it's just my birth parents... and talking about why I was adopted into my current family.

I take a deep breath and walk onto the stage and the applause doubles. I give a huge smile back and wave back at them.

"aloha (fans name)!" I say into my microphone which just was turned on.

"Mahalo!" The crowd chants back.

"It's wonderful to see all of you here! Thank you for coming to support me... and I hope you all enjoyed that video... it's a lot for you guys to take in I know. It's a lot to have been through." I sit down on the chair on the stage.

"Anyways I think we should spend this time together to answer questions... just let's not mention too much about the video because I'd rather not start crying infront of you." I laugh and my friend puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's get this party on the road! And just so you know (y/n) can refuse to answer any question they want to." My friend speaks up into their own microphone.

(Ask questions seriously! I will answer them as Reader. uwu)

Blue Petals (Hosuh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now