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"(Y/n)?" I say loudly knocking on the door to the bathroom connected to my bedroom... but I get no response from my cousin. I open the door to see their unconscious body with strained breathing and screaming coming from their phone.

"Oh goodness is someone there? Please help them! Please!" The person on the phone yells.

"Hosuh! Call an ambulance!" I yell before picking up the phone and putting it to my ear

"Please don't let them die!" The voice is now pleading and hysterical.

"This is Stephen, (y/n)'s cousin. We are calling for an ambulance right now, don't worry." I explain as calmly as I can, but I'm freaking out just as much.

"They can't leave us... (y/n) can't leave me and Sapphire..."

"Everything is under control." I lie and hang up as Hosuh comes inside the bathroom.

"They are on their way... what happened to (y/n)?" Hosuh asks shaking.

"It got them.... it's stupid that they even had to let it get to this point." I push my cousins short hair back while my vision becomes blurry with tears.

"What got them? Stephen what's going on?" Hosuh asks confused.

"They're probably gone anyways... why does it matter?" I snap.

"You aren't the only person who cared about (y/n), Stephen." Hosuh wipes his own tears away and someone knocks on the door.

Hosuh leaves and soon the paramedics are taking (y/n) away to hopefully save them.

Blue Petals (Hosuh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now