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I wake up the next day being cuddled between Hosuh and Stephen. I don't remember how I got here... what happened last night after Hosuh sat down next to me.

I feel a cough coming up my throat as I look into hosuhs sleeping face. He's so peaceful looking, and I cough once and a petal escapes.

I grab the petal quickly and try my hardest to get out of the males grasps and into the bathroom where I have another cough attack where instead of petals I'm coughing full flowers and blood...

"(Y/n)..." I hear Stephens firm voice from the doorway where he walks in and locks the door behind him.

"What do you want?" I shake frightened.

"I did some research on what you have... just tell him (y/n). There's a big chance he likes you." He sits next to me and rubs my back.

"You don't understand. If I tell him... he's going to expect us to get in a relationship... and I'd love that. But I can't break Ruby's heart... they've been through things similar to me and we have Sapphire, who we saved from going through more abuse. And I have all my pets.... Jupiter, Mars, Venus.... and I don't want to give them up." I start crying. Stephen stops rubbing my back thinking but he eventually leaves the room.

Blue Petals (Hosuh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now