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"You aren't looking too hot (y/n)" Stephen whispers as I sit next to him at a table.

"I might cough them up again..." I whisper forcefully. The branches and stems are coming up my throat and making it hard to speak.

"Let's get you to the bathroom." Stephen pushes me towards the edge of the booth.

"Won't Hosuh get suspicious seeing us both walk into the bathroom together?" I ask.

"He's too focused on that game. It'll be fine." Stephen motions for me to get up and I do and go right into the bathroom and sit on the changing table, we are in the men's bathroom because then Stephen can come in.

"Tell him (y/n)!" Stephen shakes my shoulders.

"You are stupid. I can't tell him! He doesn't deserve to be heartbroken." I shake my head.

"If it saves your life... why not just say it."

"Because it's if he loves me back...." I look down.

"What if he does? Why don't you take the chance?"

"You don't understand Stephen.... if he does love me... he'll be so heartbroken with me going to Ruby... because we are going to get married! And me dying would cause a lot less pain for him than watching me be with someone else... I'm sorry... just leave me..." I start coughing slightly and flowers go all over my lap.

"I'll stop pressuring you... but I still would tell him... just.. I don't want to see you die after you've been through a lot, and I may not know everything you've been through but I want to see you overcome everything." He smiles before taking the flowers and leaving.

Blue Petals (Hosuh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now