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"We found a last minute donor! If the procedure goes well (y/n) will be completely healthy in six months." A Doctor announces.

"We should tell ruby." I say.

"We have already informed them of the procedure and they signed for (y/n)." The doctor explains.

"Thank you." I smile. Everything should go well. These are the best surgeons in Canada and we are at the best hospital.

"Uncle Stephen? Is that you?" Sapphire wakes up from her nap.

"You know who I am?" I question.

"Nini told me about you. Said you were the bestest friend anyone could have." She yawns.

"That's not true... I'm not a good friend..." I look at Hosuh who cried himself to sleep three hours ago when I got mad at him.

"Why? Did you hit your friend? My daddy hit me that's why I like with nini and zaza." Sapphire smiles.

"No, my friend over there... I made him cry because I was sad. I should have hugged him instead." I point to Hosuh. Sapphire walks over to Hosuh and sits in front of him.

"Hi I'm Sapphire and I'm going to hug you because Uncle Stephen said he should have but didn't." She says before crawling between his arms and sitting on his lap and hugging him and going back to sleep.

Blue Petals (Hosuh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now