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I don't know why but the rest of the time until leaving to Stephens place I've been avoiding Hosuh... I should be anyways to lengthen my life... but something else is tugging in my brain to avoid him because something awkward must have happened.

Earlier we all packed our stuff to leave and now we are boarding the plane. I enjoy plane rides because it means I'm leaving and starting again, or at least leaving.

I sit down in my seat and I'm in the middle seat with Stephen next to me in the window seat. Right now nobody is in the aisle seat... that is until I spot Hosuh out of the corner of my eye sit down.

"(Y/n)! We are sitting next to each other!" Hosuh smiles.

"Yay." I laugh dryly.

"Are you not excited? I mean..... you could switch Stephen spots." Hosuh awkwardly pushes back his hair. You can see his natural black hair at the roots... it's really cute.

"No I like the window seat. Deal with it today." Stephen gives me a knowing look. I glare back at him and he just leans against the side.

"I'm excited... I just... am still not feeling well." I avoid eye contact.

"I don't mind if you need to climb over me." Hosuh blushes... Wait he BLUSHES? Umm... I find my own cheeks heating up too.

"The flight is about to start. Buckle up or die." Stephen teases. I immediately buckle up and cover my face with my arm to hide my own blush.

Blue Petals (Hosuh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now