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I make it to the bathroom as the coughing starts pushing petals out of my throat. I lock the door behind me and hurry to the toilet.

Petal upon petal of light blue. I remember when I was on Hawaii years ago and I saw the petals and figured out they were dahlias... the flower he secretly loves.

Things eventually get worse with drops of blood being coughed out too. The water pink making the blue petals look more vibrant.

Soon petals stop coming up my throat and the contents of my stomach start taking their place.  I end up purging everything from my stomach unintentionally.

Once I am completely empty of petals and food I flush the toilet. I sit on the floor catching my breath for a minute, thoughts swirling in my mind about how stupid I am for ever being in love.

I hesitantly make my way to the sink and gaze at my tear stained face, I hardly realized I was crying, and all my hatred for life rushes back.

I shouldn't have said anything about my parents all those years ago... I shouldn't have come with Stephen to school... I shouldn't have made a channel... I shouldn't have ever came out.... I shouldn't have ever loved him.

I make it look like I wasn't crying while more thoughts swirl in my mind and my stomach feels sore and aches. I make my way outside of the bathroom with a deep breath.

Blue Petals (Hosuh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now