Chapter Fourteen: Time Bomb

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Caspar’s POV

            I haven’t talked to Lilly in a few days. She was busy, and if she wanted to talk to me, then she would.

            I slapped myself, because it was such a stupid thing to think. I wanted to talk to her, but I’m not, so my statement was invalid.

            I was pacing around my room, wondering if I should call her or not.

            “But what if she’s busy?” I asked myself. “But how would I know if I don’t call?”

            Knowing that I cannot win an argument with myself, I decided to go get some food to decrease the anxious feeling I was having.

            When I reached the kitchen, there was a knock on the door.

            “Lilly?” I hoped.

            I opened the door, and Joe was on the other side, a bag of groceries in one hand.

            “Dude, what the hell?” I said, disappointed.

            “Sorry man, I forgot my key.”

            “Whatever,” I walked back into the kitchen and drank some water.

            “Why are you in such a sour mood? Were you expecting someone else?”

            I didn’t answer, because no, I wasn’t expecting anyone, but since it was a knock and not him unlocking the door, and I expected and hoped for it to be Lilly.

            I feel this emptiness in my chest.  I am so conflicted about what I should do.

            “Caspar? Hello?” Joe waved his hand in front of my face.

            “What?” I snapped out of my reverie.

            “Your phone is ringing downstairs.”

            I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs to my room. My phone was on my bed, and I picked it and answered it, too annoyed to look at who was calling.

            “Hello?” I answered, irritation tingeing my voice.

            “Oh, uhh, is this not a good time?” Lilly’s voice said through the phone.

            Suddenly, my head cleared and I started to smile.

            “No, sorry. I was just irritated about something. What’s up Lilly?” I asked, rubbing the back of my head as I went to sit on my bed.

            “I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today. Maybe get some lunch or watch a movie?”

            “Yeah, that sounds great. I’ll come pick you up.”

            “Awesome. I’ll see you in a bit.”

            “Yeah.” And I hung up the phone.

            I checked the time. It was almost noon. So quickly, I got ready in a pair of dark blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and my TRXYE jumper.

            I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to tame it, succeeding slightly.

            I went back to my room and grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet. I walked upstairs, where Joe was watching tv.

            “Hey man, I’m going out,” I told him, unlocking the front door.

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