Everybody hurts..

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*autumns POV *

I hold Jayden in my arms as I avoid Seth things have been up and down since our date.

I feel so bad I can't even explain it sometimes in life you don't get what you want and sometimes maybe some people are better of without you and some are better are for you.

The sucky part is I don't know who's better for me and who isn't. I feel bad for Seth because I feel like I've always had him feel like he's always second choice when I pick someone and it could be true and I don't know what to do.

I dial a number on my phone and wait for her to answer.

" Hello?" She answers
" Mommy I need you right now " I try to hold in my tears from forming.
" Shh baby everything will be okay I promise you why don't you come over and a bit we can talk?"

I sniffled she didn't even know what's wrong but she sounded like she did I missed my mom since Jayden I haven't been around and I really miss my family.

I grabbed Jayden's bag and my purse and got him ready and I then combed my hair and put it up in a ponytail. Nothing special I headed to Seth's room and since what happened he hasn't been coming out unless it's for food or the bathroom but it's always times when I'm busy with Jayden or in my room. he's locked himself in not speaking to me not a single word has come out of his mouth since I don't even know if Jayden has seen him.
I think it through then realize it's a waste of time I sigh and grab Jayden and head out to my parents house.

I get their in half a hour and took a deep breath I haven't been home since junior year.

I knock on the door and my mom answers right away and hugs me.
We sit in the living room and I set Jayden down so he could play I guess my sister isn't home. Too bad she's going to be mad that she missed seeing her nephew.

" So tell me what's been going on " my mom sipped her iced tea.
I stared at her cup and saw the water drip on the sides it reminded me of all the tears I've cried.

I then tell her about the fate and seeing Josh and how horrible he looked and how Seth hasn't talked to me since.

" Honey these boys.... they always go crazy for you" she laughs
I continue to stare at random pictures or Jayden.

" I know but it doesn't help that I feel the same way toward them."

" I know you don't know who to choose but don't choose either for now it's only hurting you and I hate to see you like this and doing this to yourself. you don't need or deserve this you have your son to think about he should be your first priority no matter what"
I smiled looking at my baby.

Talking to my mom always helped but I still had that empty bottomless pit inside of me. Knowing I had to go home and feel this way again I missed Isabelle I haven't talked to her much the last time I did she was getting ready for her honeymoon and she's not back from that yet.

Lucky her.

I need a get away.

I waved bye to my mom and headed home.

It was weird to call it home again. I unlocked the door and set Jayden down so he could crawl or attempt to walk for crying out loud he's one!! He's such a lazy baby but I guess he takes over his mommy.

You know what that gives me an idea.

I walk to Seth's door and pound on it so he could hear it but no response hmm what to do what to do.

I run in the bathroom and searched through the drawers until I find what I'm looking for.

" Aha!" I yell as I found a bobby pin thanks to Gaby I know how to unlock door I know bad autumn but hey it comes in handy for days like this.

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