Chapter 19

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I sat there and cried, the tears falling, making snowflake patterns on the floor. Until I felt someone grab my hand.


I looked up to see (Y/N) holding my hand. I gasped, and hugged her tightly in my arms, this time not caring about her injuries. She took a sharp breath in as I pulled her closer to me. I cried again, realizing that she was still alive infront of me. We stayed like that for a long time, her in my arms, and me crying of relief.

I held her close until she pulled away. She looked up at me as I smiled. She lifted her hand to my cheek, and the slight warmth from her hand gave me comfort. She wiped away some of my tears before hugging me again. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her around my neck and rested her head on my chest.

After awhile, we were interrupted by North walking in. He had a tray with two cups of hot chocolate, and when he saw
(Y/N) in my arms, he almost dropped it. He smiled, and set the tray down.

(Y/N)'s pov.

North set the tray down on the bedside table, and crossed his arms, waiting for me and Jack to let go of eachother. I pulled away, and Jack stepped back and stared at me nervously while he scratched the back of his neck. I smirked as North called in Bunny and Tooth.

"Oh, (Y/N), you're okay!" Tooth exclaimed as she rushed towards me, almost making me fall before I caught myself. She held me a little less than Jack did, but it still hurt, since I believed I had injured myself badly. My shoulder ached, my voice kept cracking, and the side of my chest hurt alot.

Both Bunny and Tooth looked at my clothes, and that's when I realized my clothing was extreamly torn and dirty, along with my blood in patches on some parts of it. All that was left of my hoodie was the hood, sleeves, and a little of the chest cover-up. It made it seem like I was wearing a torn crop top, but I didn't care at the moment.

"Mate, we were worried about you," said Bunny, who hopped over and gave me a gentle hug. "But not as much as Frosty over there," he said, gesturing over to Jack, who looked at the floor sheepishly. I smiled before attempting to speak.

"Thanks," was all I could muster without it hurting. North handed me one of the Hot chocolates, and gave Jack the other as he and Bunny went to go make more for Tooth and them. The warmth of the drink provided gave me little comfort, but I took it gratefully. Tooth stayed in the room, hovering above the floor. She looked like she needed to say something, so I gave her a confused stare. She looked to Jack before talking.

"It seems like your Pitch's only target. He doesn't try to go after us Gaurdians. He only wants you." I looked at Jack as he stared at Tooth who was staring down at her hands infront of her. She seemed distressed, so I walked over and gave her a hug. "Well, I'm fine now," I muttered, my voice breaking.

Tooth and Jack looked at me, sympathy in they're eyes as North entered the room again. He hands Tooth some hot chocolate, and sets the tray down on the bedside table again, then takes one for himself. He looks at me sitting on the edge of the bed as I cough, trying not to cough too hard.

"You need to go home, (Y/N). You're not doing so well," he said, looking to both me and Jack. I look up at him as Jack nods knowingly.

-----Time Skippy Time!-----

"Alright, we're here, " Jack said, setting me down on the snow covered floor. As my bare feet touched the ground, a chill ran through my spine.

He chuckled before letting me go. I considered my choices of opening the door, or climbing through my window. But before I could do anything, he stopped me.

I looked back to him keeping a firm grip on my wrist. The one he examined a few days ago. He pulled me over, and hugged me tightly as I stood there confused. He started crying, so I looked up to see him smiling.

"Jack, what's wrong?" I asked as he tilted his head back and laughed nervously. He looked down at me before speaking. "I need to tell you something, (Y/N)."

He held my hand tightly and I got butterflies in my stomach. "Hold up. Let's go inside first," I said, shivering in the cold. He smiled and nodded, following me into my living room to stand awkwardly as I went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. I came back downstairs and saw Jack sitting on the floor infront of our fire place that wasn't lit. I smiled as I sat next to him. He jumped when he saw me, but then laughed afterwards.

"So, what I wanted to tell you..." he started, looking down at his hands. He looked back up to me, his Aqua Blue eyes sparkling as the snowflake patterns in his eyes flashed white. "(Y/N) (L/N), when I was in your hospital room, I told you that I didn't want to loose you, even if we didn't know eachother well, and that you meant alot to me," he said as he turned his body so he was infront of me. He placed a hand on my shoulder before speaking again.

"I meant every single part. I don't want to loose you, and you mean everything to me. Not just because your my only beleiver, but..." He looked down, nervously laughing to himself. He took a sharp breath in, and looked up again. "Let's just say that your very special to me."

I smiled and looked down at my hands as my hair covered part of my face. He reached up and tucked the hair behind my ear before caressing my cheek. I smiled and grab his hand, the coldness giving me comfort. He laughed before telling me to go to bed. I yawned as I got up, with a sharp pain on my side. Jack caught me before I could fall. He smiled as I was bending over backwards and he leaned down over me.

He pulled me back up, and we headed for my room. As soon as we got there, I grabbed a new hoodie and sweatpants and went to change in the bathroom. When I got back, Jack was cuddled on the window seat. I climbed into bed as he opened the window and started climbing out. "Wait, Jack!" I exclaimed. He turned his attention towards me as I blushed and looked down. He seemed to know what I was going to say, because he closed the window and sat next to me on my bed. He let me rest my head on his lap as he played with my hair.

"Please don't leave me, Jack" I said, looking up at him. He smiled as he looked me straight in the eyes.

"I wouldn't dream of it, (Y/N). I love you too much to leave you," he said as I smiled uncontrollably and fell asleep, my head on his lap.

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now