Chapter 26

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I would never admit it out loud, but now that she mentioned it, I felt something for that boy, that I've never felt before. It felt as though my heart would pound out of my chest.

I shook the thoughts out of my head as we got to the principles office. When he saw Amber, he looked to me and said, "I'll take it from here, (Y/N)," and with that, I was on my way to my locker.


As I started to close my locker after getting what I needed, I wasn't fast enough to pull my hand out of the way before Chap closed the locker door on my hand. I yelped in pain as blood started seeping down my arm and into the locker. I looked up to see his stupid grin spread across his face as he cornered me to the locker.

"Just because Amber is your new friend, doesn't mean you're safe. You're still the same pathetic little slut you were back in 3rd grade, and you always will be."

I cowered back in fear, pressing my body harder against the lockers as I gritted my teeth from both the pain, and his presence.

He kicked me in the abdomen with his knee before slapping me hard across the face. I tried to hold in the tears, but they fell. The burning sensation, and the stabbing pain of the fresh and new wounds was enough to make me collapse.

As I stayed in the floor for who knows how long, the nurse walked down the hall. When she saw me, she nearly dropped her coffee and paperwork. She rushed over to me, and stood me up.

"Oh my god, (Y/N), what happened?!" She said, placing her hand gently on the locker door. I winced as the little pressure made the locker go deeper into my hand. She examined it before asking for my key to the locker. As soon as I gave it to her and she opened it, more blood spilled out of the locker. I grabbed my wrist hard, both from the pain, and to try and stop some if the flow.

She took me to her office, where she cleaned it with water and Hydrogen Peroxide. It stung, and I almost yelped out in pain again.

She walked over to a cabnet, and grabbed gauze, bandages, Aspirin, an ice pack, and a few rags. She handed one to me, and told me to put it in my mouth, so I did. I realized why she said to do so as soon as she poured more Hydrogen Peroxide and water over the wound. I bit down hard on the rag, and tried my hardest not to scream.

I grunted and winced as she poured once more onto the wound with Hydrogen Peroxide and water before she examined it. It went from the middle of my hand, all the way up, twisted a little around my arm, and landed below my elbow. "Well, good news is that it wasn't as deep or severe as I thought. It's also not too bad, and I hugely doubt it will get infected if you keep it clean," she said while attempting to clean up the blood mess I've made.

"And the bad news," I asked, looking at my hand than at her. She bent down to clean up a puddle of blood, and stood straight up and looked at me after she finished. "Do you mind wearing a gauze all the way up to your elbow?" She asked, more out of a statement then a question. I looked back between my arm, the nurse, and my bag. After a while of scilence, I nodded my head. "I'm alright with that," I said as she smiled and wrapped the gauze around my arm.

When she was done, she suggested I go home, even if I haven't been here in a month. "Besides, school will be let out in two days for Christmas break," she said, handing me a note. I smiled and took it, walking out if her office. "Thanks Miss Vea," I said before closing the door.

As I headed out of the school, I plugged my headphones in to my phone, and played music. I walked, not paying attention to the world around me. It's like everything melted away, as my mind took me to simple bliss. As song after song played, I started walking to the lake. When I arrived, I was careful on the edges of the lake.

I looked around to see if anyone was around, and when I realized no one was, I pulled an old pair of skates out from my bag. I slipped them on, and walked onto the ice, careful of the thickness of the ice. As my music played, I skated across the ice, realizing I've never done so since Dad died.

I skated, letting both fears and pain wash away, minute after minute. As I made some paths of figure Eights, I did counter turns, loops, and bracket turns. As the  afternoon got colder, and night began to fall, I stopped skating. As soon as I finish, I hear clapping, and a round of whistles.

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now