●Chapter 32●

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I smiled and tilted her head up to look at me. Her eyes filled with hope and wonder and belief.

I kissed her back, pulling her as close as possible. She was shocked before she ran her arms up and around my neck and kissed me back. And that was when I knew that I, for sure loved her, and she loved me.


The moment ended in pure bliss as I pulled back, seeing her for a complete loss of words. Me and her both seemed that way. She seemed as if he wanted to say something, but she couldn't form the words. So I spoke up.

"Did that answer your questions?" I asked, smiling with no control. She looked at me, smile on her face as well. She hit the inside of her lip while she shook her head yes. I looked her, pulling her in. "No matter what happens, your the best thing that has happened to me. And, I'm not saying this as a joke, but I love you, (Y/N). I love you with everything I have."

She blushed as I kissed the top of her head. I honestly meant every word I said. And I hoped she didn't doubt it. I wanted her to be with me, mostly so she doesn't get injured again. She was mine now, and I wanted to make her happy.

(Y/N) Pov...

The moment ended as shadows crept around us. Jack pulled me close as Pitche's voice taunted us.

"Well well. Isn't this a lovely moment. Did I ruin it?" Pitch said as he showed himself from behind a few trees. Jack held me tight as Pitch walked closer, Nightmares following behind him. I held to Jack, watching both him and Pitch. Pitch kept a steady eye on Jack while he spoke. "You know, for a neutral party, you spend an awful lot of time with those weirdoes. This isn't your fight, Jack."

Jack scowled at Pitch, who seemed like he was enjoying every bit of pain and anger he brought to the both of us. The nightmares reared up as Jack pushed me behind him. I got the feeling to leave, but instead started walking backwards, keeping my eyes on Pitch. He raised his hands in a friendly scare position. "Boo," was all he said before the Nightmares started rushing at me and Jack.

Jack turned and grabbed my waist, flying above the trees. Some of the Nightmares followed us, while most of them stayed cover by the snow covered trees. I wrapped my arm around Jack's neck as I looked over at him and saw the paim, regret and sorrow in his face, and I silently cursed at myself for being so stupid.

"If I wasn't here, none of this would've happened," I mumbled. Jack looked over to me, but didn't say anything as we headed back the way I walked from. In the distance, I could hear chittering and bells. I looked up to see North, Tooth, and Bunny in North's sleigh. I smiled to myself before Jack shot straight up into the air. We arrived at North's sleigh as the Nightmares continued to follow us.

"Frost, what happened?" Noth said, pulling and tugging the reins for the reindeer. The sleigh jolted to the side, and I landed hard on the side of it, grunting in pain. Bunny took my arm and sat me down before Jack started talking.

"Nothing. Me and (Y/N) were talking, and he showed himself from behind the trre, a long with his stupid army of Nightmares," he said, looking to me. I took that as my chance to look over the side of the sleigh, but as soon as I did, I regretted it. The Nightmares were catching up faster than I thought, and before I knew it, the sleigh was entirely surrounded by them. I took a sharp breath as the wave of sand pushed the sleigh out of the sky.

"I'd say sweet dreams, but there aren't any left," Pitch says as we all hurtle towards the ground. All I can hear is the wind rushing past my ears as my heart drops and Nightmares surround me.

(A/N) This is my present to y'all for christmas, and I'm sorry I couldn't publish it on Christmas. Hope y'all still love me!!

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now