Chapter 36

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As soon as he realizes, he sheepishly laughs, hugging me back, tears falling down his face. He holds me tight as we sit there, acknowledging that we're with eachother.


Jack's pov...

It was real. The tension, the fear, the bliss. I was holding her in my arms, physically holding her. I wasn't going through her, and she was holding me. She seemed scared and confused, like she still didn't believe in me.

I held her at arms length, staring into her (E/C) eyes, waiting for that certain spark she had. She looked up at me, tears threatening to fall. I caress her cheek in my hand as she pulls me close, crying and letting the tears fall.

I closed my eyes, holding us in the moment.

But it ended fast.

I felt a sharp pain in my back, and I let (Y/N) go. I looked behind me to see a spear made of black sand jutting out of my back. I looked horrified at (Y/N), and that's when it struck.

Her eyes shone gold and her skin started to move. Before long, what I thought was (Y/N), was now a Nightmare.

Pitch showed his face from behind the tree, holding (Y/N) in his arms. "Like my new Rose, Jack? I hope you do, since she's important to you," Pitch said, holding a spear to her throat. I tried to shout out to them, but wasn't able to.

(Y/N) seemed really distressed, and she looked as if she was in intense pain. I didn't know if she still didn't remember me, but I didn't let it stop me.

I tried to stand up, but to no avail. The pain from the spike Pitch had fired at me hurt, and I was unable to stand. Pitch smiled frantically as he continued to point the spear at the both of us. I grimaced holding the side of my waist as the pain started crawling over my body.

"Does it hurt to not be believed in again, Jack?" I swore under my breath before attempting to stand up again. My vision started clouding, and before I knew it, I collapsed, feeling the spear dig deeper into me.

I kept attempting to at least sit myself up, but couldn't. The pain spreader to my chest, and I could barely breathe.

I collapsed on the floor, holding my chest, wishing the pain to disappear.

Come on, Jack. It's for her. Get up, I thought to myself. I needed to get up, to make her believe in me, to remember me.

Pitch held her over the cliff by the throat. (Y/N) scratched and pulled at his arms, but her attempts failed. Her breathing was ragged, and her arms hung at her sides.

As I tried once more to stand, something hit the side if Pitch's head, causing him to drop (Y/N). A flash of green flew after her, and I smiled to myself as the Gaurdians rushed to my side. North held me up while Pitch fought with Bunny.

Taking blows and hits from Bunny kicking and throwing boomerangs, Pitch cowered into the shadows, but not without saying a single phrase that made me shiver.

"She isn't going to be here forever, Jack, and your just wasting time."

With that, he climbed back into the shadows, his laughs and Nightmares following close after.

I clung to North's arm, steadying myself, the pain still crawling around me. Tooth flew up from the cliff, (Y/N) in her arms, out cold. North, Bunny and Tooth looked at eachother as I tried to use my staff to come to a full stand.

"Jack, you and (Y/N) need to rest, Mate," Bunny said, taking me off from North. I tried to protest, but collapsed to the floor again, watching as the sand from Pitch's spear made shadows and darkness spread across my waist.

Tooth lent (Y/N) over to Bunny, who stared at the both of us before creating a hole in the ground, and dropping down it.

Tooth rushed over and grabbed me, heading over to the sleigh that was now hovering at the edge of the cliff. I stared at North, not daring to say anything as we all got into the sleigh.

North took out a globe, told it a destination, then threw it. But before we took off, he looked back at me, then handed me a miniature Matryoshka doll.

I looked it over, and it was North, with big round eyes, and a Jolly Face.

(A/N): So, I get that I haven't been editing, and this chapter is just a filler chapter. I'm sorry I haven't been able to get this chapter out sooner, but please, if I haven't been editing or publushing, then please remind me, because this book means alot to me, and I'm assuming alot to you as well.

So please, again, if I haven't been editing, please remind me.

-Signing off from my crew-

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