Chapter 44

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"(Y/N)!" I called, running as fast as I could. There was no doubt in my mind that Pitch had my staff. And there was no doubt that I would ever stop until this girl of precious memories and care was in my arms again.


(Y/N)'s pov...

I started running, caring only about getting out of this wretched place. The dark, the shadows, the people I've seen and met, at this point, I wanted it all gone. I wanted my normal life back. The one where I wasn't so involved of crazy things happening to me. Yet there was only one person who could relieve me of everything I felt without having to talk or breakdown or put it all on them.


I called out his name, hoping I would hear something back, yet only echoes of screaming came back at me. It was like this big room of nothingness never ended. I called out once more, and after about a few seconds more of running, I heard my name, called back from deep in the shadows.

I stared blankly into the dark until I could make out a silhouette. I didn't trust my eyes for even a second, yet I kept running, my change of speed going faster.

After about a minute, the silhouette called out again, and this time, I booked it as fast as I could, believing now that the silhouette was real, and the voice belonged to it.


His pace started to slow, and he started jogging. The steel floor lightened, and I could see the area clearly.

A rush of stinging, cold air hit me hard, making me drop to the floor. I looked up at Jack, who was also on the floor. It's colder than what I'm used to, which means Jack can tell that the temperature dropped.

I picked myself up off from the floor, and rushed over. Jack was in a standing position,staring down at his hands. Ice covered him completely in a somewhat thick, smooth layer, a single tear frozen to his face.

I held in a gasp, reaching out towards him. His body was cold, and he wasn't moving. His face was stuck in agony and hurt.

"(Y/N)!" I drew in a quick and painful breath as I saw Pitch's form walk from the shadows. He had a crooked smile raped on his face, and a herd of his Nightmares followed closely behind. He kept walkimg, and I only stared at him, fist clenched.

"What did you do to him?" I yelled to Pitch, who only laughed and stopped in his tracks. Pitch revealed a item, and it made my blood run cold. Pitch was holding Jack's staff, and by the looks of it, it was covered in black and gold sand.

"You seem to be very familiar with my tricks, (Y/N). Is this what you want?" He asked, nodding towards the staff. I kept quiet and listened to what he had to say.

"(Y/N), you seem confused. Oh, but don't worry. No one really cares. I mean, after all, your just nobody." My eyes shot wide open as I heard those words. My gaze fell to the floor beneath me, and while everything was happening, I realized for the first time that I've never been wearing shoes. Not that it mattered. The cold of the steel floor shooting through my feet and into my head in small and painful doses.

I looked over to Jack, who was still frozen. I stared at him for a few seconds before pulling my attention back to Pitch, who had broken the staff. My heart sank as I realized what was done. Pitch was toying with me. His master plan to put fear into every little children's head in fear of the Boogeyman, was going to happen. As long as he had his way. And no matter what I did, it was all part of it. I couldn't stop it, I couldn't help but let the fear of everything I've ever known slip away from me. Even though I wanted my memories gone, it doesn't mean that I missed everyone that has been around me.

All these thoughts racing through my head, and the only thing I could think of was against everything I ever wanted to do.

I started walking towards Pitch, who had his back turned to me, and his Nightmares as well. My pace started picking up, and half way there, I started running. The staff was on the floor, and I was going to retrieve it.

Every step I took shot cold, hard pain through the soles of my feet. Every misty breath I let out was shaggy.

I slid across the steel, grabbing the broken staff just as one of his Nightmares whined. Pitch turned his head to look at, me, pure rage and fear in his eyes.

"Noo!" He shouted just as I slid up to a standing position. I held the two pieces only a few inches from eachother, staring Pitch straight in his eyes.

"You took everything from me. You stole those I loved," I said as I tightened my grip on the pieces. It felt as though I was radiating energy, and I felt like I could collapse at any minute. But I kept my balance, and stood my ground.

You broke everything I have" I said, knukles white. "And I don't know why you do this, but it ends here," I said, staring into his dark eyes. I could tell that he had fear in his eyes. "And now." The nightmares surrounding him turned their gaze from me to Pitch, who only made himself look like he wasn't scared.

Third Person pov...

The girl stood still, letting her arms fall to her sides. "And I will do anything," she said, her breathing becoming heavier and more ragged.

"To protect."

The girl closed her eyes, holding her arms back up, pointing them straight out. Pitch started running towards her, reaching out for the staff. He drew his other hand, and made what looked like an axe of his black sand.


Pitch started yelling, telling the girl to stop. But she didn't listen.

"Friends." The girl's eyes shot open, and they were both different colours, her left, a deep red, and the other, a bright blue.

She slammed the prices together, creating a purple glow that radiated from the joined pieces of the staff. A bright light shot from the pieces, and threw Pitch to the floor. I stood my ground, keeping my feet firmly planted. The light started to glow brighter, and soon after, it knocked me off my feet.


I woke up, Jack's staff knocked back a few feet from my body. I sat up, looking around. Pitch was nowhere to be seen, and neither was his Nightmares.

When I turned my head, Jack was still in the same place, frozen. I picked myself up off the floor, grabbing the staff and rushing over to Jack. I dropped the staff by his feet as I held onto him. Tears started streaming down my face as I stared into Jack's frozen eyes.

I hugged him, even though his body was cold. The moon somehow shone down on us, and I realized we were now in a forest. I stared up at the moon, wondering what to do. I looked back at Jack, his tear still frozen on his cheek.

"I believed in you for a long time, okay?" I said, letting go of him and standing infront of him. "Like, my whole life in fact. So you kind of owe me now. You don't have to do much - just a little sign so I know. Anything. Anything at all, just..." I stopped and paused, taking in a big, shakey breath, tears falling down hard. "Just please don't be gone. Please Jack, please."

After a moment of scilence, I crashed my body to his, holding in for dear life, hugging his lifeless body. Tears came down and froze on the floor. I started sobbing uncontrollably, not knowing what to do.

How could I?

(A/N) y'all hate me yet? I'm not sorry......

You can punch me later.

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