(A/N): Thank you

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(A/N) It's that time guys. You all know it! This book is ending, and it's ending fast. Probably the next chapter, or the next 2. But, before it does, I wanted to thank all of you for supporting me and reading this book. It means so much to people like you, fantastic, amazing, beautiful people took the time to read this book I call bullshit..

That's not true, I really loved making this book, and again, I'm so, soooooooooooooo freakin' thankful for everyone who commented, read it, voted on it, literally everything you guys have done. I'm so grateful that you all took it in your hands to read this book, for what I started almost a full year ago. Thank you for sticking with me in the making of this book.

-Hugs and virtual kisses-
The author, Lee

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