Chapter 24

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Amber sat next to me, while Jack sat on the floor. Me and Amber looked at eachother, then to Jack, then to eachother before Amber spoke.

"Ok, two things I have to comprehend. First, who's that, and why didn't my Aunt nor Uncle notice him?" She asked, as she pointed over to Jack. It was then I realized that something was wrong.


Me and Jack shot up, confusion, shock, and surprise in our voices. "You can see him?!" we asked at the same time.

Amber looked from me to Jack, then back to me. "Yeah. Is that bad?"

I looked to Jack, then back to Amber before asking her a question. "First off, do you know who he is?" Jack was about to say something, but I covered his mouth before he could. She looked between us again, and smiled. "Aww, is he your boyfriend? That's so sweet!" I quickly removed my hand from his mouth and looked down at the floor.

Jack chuckled, and when I looked back at him, concern was spread on his face.

That both mentally and physically hurt, I thought to myself. Jack was a nice person, and he cared alot. I really liked him. Maybe even loved him. But, then again, maybe he didn't really love me.

Every time he said 'I love you,' he always said it with a joking look. It hurt everytime he said that, but I never would've said anything. It never felt right.

I looked back up at Amber, and shook my head no. She pouted, then smiled. "Ok then," she simply said. I shook my head, and looked at the time on my phone.

7:30 am.

I panicked, and looked at Amber, then Jack, then back to Amber. "I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be late for school, and this is like, the first time in almost two months that I haven't been there, so I really need to be there," I said, running upstairs. I went to my room, and grabbed my bag, then rushed back downstairs to see Amber next to the doorway. "So you might want to talk to me about the second thing you need to comprehend," I said. I grabbed my shoes, and realized that it was the first time I would've put them on since the first time I met Bunny.

I smiled to myself as I opened the door and stepped outside. Amber followed me, and Jack stayed inside. I looked back at him, and saw a sheepish smile spread across his face. I waved goodbye before me and Amber started to leave.

Halfway down the road, I stopped to put my shoes on. As I bent over to tie my second shoe, Amber spoke.

"So, as I guess you can see, I'm new here, and don't know how to do things here. Mind being my friend?" I shot straight up, glancing at her as she held the straps for her bag. I smiled, then started laughing. She only stood there nervously, and as soon as I calmed down, I rested my arm on her shoulder.

"Look, if you wanna be my friend, I have absolutely nothing against it. But I will warn you, if you spend at least an hour with me at school, your gonna instantly regret it. No one likes me at school, and I'm just the smartass wanabee. Besides, I've never really had a friend before," I said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. She just looked at me, and grinned.

"Oh well. The world will just have to suck it up, cuz now we're here!" She said, a childish grin taped to her face. I smiled, then we both laughed as we both got to the front of the school.

The school was two stories high, with five main buildings. The school had alot of ground coverage, and often seemed like something out of a Barbie movie. It was classy, and each building held three personality groups. Each did their own things, and everyone was either nice, or they were the bad type that did drugs and stuff like that early.

But then again, that was how they were popular.

As we walked to the Principals office, someone called Ambers name. When I looked over, my worst nightmare was walking over, staring straight at me and Amber.

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now