Chapter 49

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"We'll see you guys soon," I asked, more as a question. They all nodded, and I climbed out the window, grabbing Jack's hand. "Ready?" He asked, and I nodded my head as we faced our destination. I was going to save the hope for everyone this time. No matter what the cost.


We landed just outside the window and looked in. There, was the kid, sitting in his bed, holding a stuffed rabbit. I looked to Jack, who kept watching the kid before I turned my attention back to the kid.

"If- if it wasn't a dream, and if you are real, then you have to prove it. Like, right now." My heart leaped, and I saw Jack perk up a little from the corner of my eye. "I believed in you for a long time, okay? Like, my whole life in fact. So you kind of owe me now. You don't have to do much - just a little sign so I know. Anything. Anything at all," he said, staring at the stuffed rabbit. I could see Jack look over at me, but I didn't pay attention. The rabbit did nothing, and after a few seconds, the kid let go if it.

It dropped to the floor and stared at us. "I knew it," he sighed, shaking his head. I looked over to Jack, who looked at me before opening the window and climbing inside. I followed suite and stood off to the side as Jack drew patterns on the window pane. I looked to the kid, who had his eyes wide open and had full attention on the window. I looked behind him to see pictures of snow days and sleigh rides, seeing tge name Jamie on ech picture, before turning my attention back to Jack, who was now drawing a rabbit.

Jack concentrates on the shape he's made and pulls the frost off the glass and into a 3D rabbit that hops around Jamie's room. Jamie laughed and jumps up and down on his bed, and me and Jack laugh along with him. Jamie touches the rabbit and it bursts into snow inside of his room. "Woah, nearly shouts. He laughs some more before looking around his room. "Snow?" A snowflake lands on Jamie's nose, and he stops jumping around. "Jack Frost..."

Me and Jack shoot eachother glances before turning our attention back to Jamie. "Did you just..." Jack says, walking closer. Jamie says his name again, looking around the room. "He said it again! He said-- You said--" Jack said, pointing at him

Jamie now stood fully facing Jack, his mouth agape. "Jack Frost!" Jack looked at me, a shocked smile plastered on his face. He looked back at Jamie, who was still as shocked as the both of us. "That's right! But- but that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name! You said my name!" Jamie is still gaping at him, unable to believe he's staring at Jack. "Wait, c- can you hear me?" Jack asks, taking a step closer. Jamie nods. And his smile grows a little. "Can- can you... can you see me?" Jack laughs in shock as Jamie nods again. "He sees me! He- he sees me!" Jack says, giving me a hug before doin a backflip onto Jamie's desk.

They start talking, and I can only smile. I've never seen Jack so happy. "You're real?" Jamie asks, pointing at Jack. Jack nods, walking closer to Jamie. "Yeah, man- Who do you think brings you all the blizzards, and- and the snow days? And you remember when you went flying on that sled the other day?" "That was you," Jamie asked. "That was me!" Jack said, doing another backflip and landing next to me. Jamie smiled before his eye landed on me. My eyes opened wider with shock.

"And everyone is real? The tooth fairy, The Easter Bunny-" Jamie asked. Jack grabbed my hand tight. "We- real, real, real, we're all real!" Jack said, pulling me close. "Cool!" Jamie shouted. His mom called from another room, making us all look at the door. "Jamie, who are you talking to?" Jamie stands there on his bed. Jack cocks his head towards the door, nodding. "Jack frost?" Jamie says. We could hear his mom giggle before saying okay. Jamie and Jack giggle, and I giggle at them before Jamie looks at me. "And who are you?" he asks.

That's a good question. Who am I? Jack grabs my hand, pulling me close. "Some girl that believed in me. And I was the biggest fool to fall for her." I look up at Jack who has the biggest smile stuck on his face. I smile back as Jamie smiled at us. He holds out his hand for me to shake, and I take it, shaking his hand. "I'm (Y/N). Guardian of memories." Jack looks at me again and smiles. I hug him as the windows open up wider. Me and Jack crawl out and walk down to the street as North's sleigh hits the street, sliding towards us. Once it stops, Tooth and North clamber out.

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now