Chapter 40

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I lifted my hand away from my head to hit it against the wall, which made Jack flinch of concern. I let out a ragged breath as Jack approached me, setting his staff up against the wall, and slumping down next to me. He crossed his ankles and bowed his head, letting my tears run dry for a moment.

He pulled me closer, to where my head rested on his shoulder as his arms held me tight.


Jack's pov...

I held her close, pulling her in. Her body shook from sobbing, and possibly the cold I brought with me. But I held her tight anyways.

She let her legs sink all the way down to the floor as she kept crying. I didn't say anything, letting her cry if she wanted.

I let my head rest against the wall, not knowing what to say if I were to say anything at all. She sniffles before lifting her head, and my feeling burst for the girl in my lap. I felt as though my heart would burst. I wanted to hold her tight, to never let her go, to always be by her side.

I pulled her so that she was now facing me, and I was facing her. She bowed her head, cocking it to the side. I frowned a little before lifting her chin back up to face me. Once her eyes locked onto mine, I gave her a sheepish smile before pulling us both up and hugging her tight.

She wrapped her arms around me, grabbing my sweater and burying her head in my chest. I held we dearly, letting her tears fall until she looked back up at me.

"Jack, I never said goodbye, and I never attended her funeral. For all I know, my stuff could be been taken away, and that hose had memories Jack." Her voice cracked and shattered as she spoke, and my heart did the exact same think for the girl I was hugging.

I looked at her sympathetically before offering to take her to her now abandoned home. She stared at me for awhile before tilting her head down and nodding yes.

*****Time Skip!!*****

Our feet touched the floor as (Y/N) stares at the forgotten house. The woods now snuggled up close to the house, and vines prayed ways all across the house. Some of  the shingles on the roof were now in heaps on the floor, and the paint peeled off like plaster.

(Y/N) gasped and covered her mouth, taking a few steps forward to feel the house. I stared at her as she started walking the length of the house, keeping her hand on it as she looked it up and down. I walked up behind her placing my hand on her shoulder.

"I believe everyone still left things in the house, (Y/N)," I said, nodding to her room on the second story. She looked back at me and nodded,heading straight for the familiar wall she always used to climb to her room.

She looked the wall up and down before kicking off her boots and scaling the wall to reach her room. I smiled at her before following her, not daring that I could fly up to her room.

As soon as we got to her room, I saw her smiling, staring at her now dusty desk of art supplies. Seeing her smile brought one to my face, realizing that I hadn't seen her smile in a long time.

She grabbed some paint brushes and pencils from a rusty can and observed them before setting them down, and softly walking over to her her cloaet, which she opened and sat down at the bottom of it.

I watched silently as she brushed her hair behind her ear and rummaged around for something. Once she had it, she sighed and came over to sit on the bed. As soon as she sat down, I got a clear view of the object in hand. It was the same notebook I had when she was sleeping out in her living room, 58 years ago.

I gasp as she opened the pages, causing her to give me a confused look. I stared at the book for a moment before averting my gave towards hers.

"It's, the exact same book from under your pillow. The one from the day after you played your music. You were sleeping, and I had gone up to your bedroom to grab a blanket." I smiled as I remembered her singing to me. Her face looked so happy then. Her body full if energy. But, 58 years after, she was now filled with sorrow and pain.

She stared at me before smiling. "Well, I guess that explains how you know me so well, Frost," she said, giggling to herself. I joined in with her, letting the moment be embroidered into my head.

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now