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Sanem grew up in neighborhood, called a Malhalla.  All of the neighbors know each other and everyone's business.  If they didn't know everything,  then they watched and made-up stories. Then they gossiped to one and all.

They were especially hard on young girls, thought they should not have a career, not go for higher education, or have any freedom at all.  They also, picked out who they should marry, and harassed families if the girls showed any independence.

Leyla Aydin was the older daughter of Nihat and Mevkibe Aydin, who ran the local grocery store. Leyla had already gone to school to be an accountant and had a stable job at Fikri Harika Advertising Agency.  So she was already gossiped about a lot,  and her parent's and the neighbors had already picked out Osman, the local butcher to be her husband.   This did not bother Leyla at all, because she is very independent, and she is not going to let the neighbors or her parent's run her life.   If she can help it, of course!

Sanem Aydin, is Leyla's younger sister.   Because her parent's could not tell Leyla what to do, they keep an extremely tight rein on Sanem.  They did not want her to go to college, and did not want her to work anywhere except the grocery store.  They already have a neighbor boy picked out for her to marry.   Sanem keeps her head down, works hard, try's not to cause any trouble, and never confides to anyone about herself.   Even her best friend, Ayhan does not know everything.

One thing Sanem's parents did not realized is, she is more independent than Leyla.  She talked her parents into letting her take a few classes at Bogazici  University,  a local school that helps  with financial aide for local students.  They did not know that Sanem took a full load of classes and graduated in three years with a double degree in Creative Writing and Ornithology,  while working in their grocery store.  They do not realize that she is working on her Master's Degree in Ornithologist Studies.  She really wants to spend her life studying different birds, and writing about their influence on the environment.

She has always had a special connection to the Albatross, and has always wanted to study and write about them.  Her dream is to visit the Galapagos Islands and see the Albatross.

If her parent's knew any of this, she would be 'grounded for life' and married to Muzo immediately.  She could not even tell her sister, as she would tell them.  Studying has always been easy for her, as she has a photographic memory, and remembers everything she reads.

Now she has a problem, she has been working on her thesis, and needs to be away from home to study at the Istanbul Library to complete it.   There is no way that her parent's will let her study, and if she tries to study in the neighborhood, all the neighbors will tell.

She thinks and thinks and decides to get a job away from home, but where will her parent's let her work.   If she has a job, then she can study after work, at the Library.  She overhears her sister talking about, the Bring and Take girl in her office, getting fired for having a crush on the big boss.  The girl kept embarrassing him, by acting like he was her boyfriend.  Sanem was thinking how stupid can you get, but it gave her an idea.

She went to her room, used her computer and applied for the job.   The next day, she got a call asking her to come in for an interview tomorrow.

Now how to get her parent's to let her go, it doesn't matter that she is 24 years old, they are in charge.

A little later she hears her Baba tell her Anne, that he would have to get another job, because the grocer bills are getting behind.    Her Anne is concerned because Baba's high blood pressure could get worse.  Sanem goes into the living room, and says to her parent's, "I would like to get a job to help out, would it be okay if I go for an interview tomorrow at Leyla's company?"

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