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A couple of days later, they were invited to dinner at the Aydin's.    Sanem was nervous, but knew she needed to be open with her parent's.    No more secrets, but she was still fearful of their reaction.    After a wonderful meal, and laughing and telling about their honeymoon, and improvements of their new home.    Updates on Baba's health, the grocer business, and Mevkibe's update on the neighborhood.   They were sitting in the living room drinking tea, Leyla was out, so it was just the four of them.     When Mevkibe said, "Okay, Sanem, you can tell us what is on your mind now."

Sanem and Can looked shocked, and just looked at each other.     Sanem said to Can, "Anne always know when we girls try to hide something."

Can just raised his eyebrows, with a look, 'not this she doesn't.'

Sanem took a deep breath, then started talking about the classes at university, that became two degrees in three years, working on Master's degree, and publishing of thesis.     Then she just sat looking fearfully at her parent's.

Her Anne, got up and said, "Excuse me for just a minute."     She came back quickly with a package, that had been opened, and handed it to Sanem.

It was addressed to Sanem, and she slowly opened the package.      Inside were two framed University degrees, and a letter.    As she read, tears  were flowing freely down her cheeks.     Can put his arm around her, while she read and was reading over her shoulder.

The letter said, 'Congratulations, Sanem had gotten the highest grades of anyone in her graduating class.  The University was so sorry that she had not been able to participate in the ceremonies.   They were looking forward to her working on her Master's Degree.   The University had provided a scholarship for her to continue her studies, just register per normal and everything was covered.'

Sanem looked at her parent's and said, "You knew the whole time?"

They both nodded their heads, 'yes'.      Her Baba said, "We are so proud of you and we know why you didn't tell us.     We are so sorry, but we have been under the influence of our traditions, and neighborhood.    We are ashamed, we held you back from living your life.     We are happy you have the support of Can, to live as you want.   You do whatever you want, about publishing your thesis."

There was not a dry eye, and there was a four way group hug, in the living room that evening.

Sanem started telling her parent's and Can some more about her studies.    What she had learned, what some of her hopes were for the future.    It was like the subdued Sanem had left and an animated, excited girl was in her place.    Can was just beaming, as he is so proud of her, and he will support her in whatever she wants to do.

After that night, Sanem became more confident in herself, more outspoken at work with her ideas, and started writing more.    She allowed the University, to push forward with the publication of her thesis.   They contacted a publisher, who in turn was to work with Sanem.   Her thesis was to be published under the name, Sanem Aydin-Divit, as she wanted her parent's name to be recognized, also.

The publisher, Yigit, that was contacted, happened to be Polen's brother.     When Sanem found this out, she worked with the University, to have someone else to be publisher.     Can agreed with her, especially because of legal conflict, but let Sanem make the decision herself.    Eventually her thesis was published, and the University started using it as a teaching tool.     Sanem was surprised that she was being paid a portion of each book sold.    She was able to give her parent's money, to pay off debts at the grocery store, and pay off her financial aide for undergraduate studies.     She was very proud she could help.

Life was going well for Sanem and Can Divit.   They were busy over the next few months.    When Sanem would mention a place she would like to visit someday, Can would plan time off for them.    Whether it was a weekend or a week, next thing she knew they would be on there way.

So far they have had mini vacations to Paris, London, Hawaii, Spain, New York, and some of the Caribbean Islands.   In fact, Sanem has started being very careful mentioning any places, as Can is ready to take her at a moments notice.    She laughingly said to him one day, "We just barely get the suitcase unpacked, and we are gone again."     He told her, "I want to show you the world all at once, but because of the Agency we can only take short trips now."

Sanem said, "What we are doing is perfect and I love everything we do together.     Maybe in the future, we can spend more time traveling for my research, and writing."    Can said, "Absolutely we will, I am so proud of you.     We can combine your research and my photography on most of the trips.   The Agency is doing so well now, especially with your help, it will not be to far in the future.   Then we can make your dreams come true."

That evening, they had been invited to dinner with Leyla, Emre, Osman, and Deren.    They were looking forward to it, but a little puzzled about why, as these couples did not spend time together.    When they got to the restaurant, the couples were already there.   What was surprising was, Leyla and Emre, were seated together, and Osman and Deren were seated together.    Can and Sanem did not say anything, just joined them, and they had a wonderful, laughing time together.    After the meal, while they were relaxing with a drink, Emre cleared his throat and started speaking.

"Can, Sanem we need your advice.     Sanem your parent's are pushing Leyla to marry Osman, and we have a problem.      Leyla and I are in love with each other, and Osman and Deren are in love with each other.    We  don't know what to do, without causing a war."

Leyla spoke up and said, "We know you have been through something similar, and we wondered what you would suggest?"

Sanem looked at Can and he smiled and nodded.     Sanem said, "One we already suspected about Leyla and Emre, but did not know about Deren and Osman.    Congratulations to all of you.     Now as to what to do, it is very simple.   All four of you go talk to Anne and Baba, and say what you just said, maybe not about a war."

Can agreed and said, "We were very scared when we went to see them.     After talking with them a lot lately, we discovered what they went through to be together themselves.   They are more understanding then you think.    Not to tell their whole story, but Leyla think about why you have never met your maternal grandfather."

Leyla said, "You are right, Sanem and I have met our grandmother a few times, but never our grandfather.    Okay, we will try, but can you go with us for support?"

Sanem and Can both agreed.   The girl's were going to plan a meal with their Anne and Baba, very soon.   The four were very nervous, but were willing to try for their love.

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