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Two nights later, they met at The Aydin's.    Sanem had phoned her parent's and told them what they needed.  Mevkibe phoned Osman and Deren and invited them to visit, without telling them about Ayhan and CeyCey.  This was something to say face to face, and not over the phone.     Everyone was just a little nervous about Osman's reaction, as he was very protective of his baby sister.

When everyone got into the living room, Osman was looking at CeyCey and Ayhan, and frowning.  They were sitting together on the couch holding hands.   Before he could say anything, Sanem spoke to Osman, saying, "Brother, just listen, okay?"  Still frowning he said, "Okay."  Sanem nodded at CeyCey to go, and he did.   Plainly and clearly, after clearing his throat, CeyCey started. "I love Ayhan very much and would respectfully ask for your permission to marry her?"

Can, Sanem, and the Aydin's, just looked at each other shocked, that CeyCey was not nervous at all.    Ayhan just looked scared,  but held onto CeyCey's hand tightly.  Osman looked at all of them, and ask if they had been hiding this from him.   He was reassured when Can and Sanem let him know that they suspected, but found out for sure a of couple days ago.  The Aydin's told them the same thing.   Deren told him, she even suspected, but did not know for sure till tonight.

Osman had tears in his eyes. when he said "My baby sister has grown up, and she is very mature.   I trust her to know her own mind and who she loves.   I will gratefully accept CeyCey as my brother.   Yes, I will agree that they can marry."   Everyone was crying when he said this, and Ayhan got up and hugged her brother.  Then CeyCey and Deren joined the hug, and then everyone was hugging them.

Mevkibe ask, "If you would like Nihat and I, can host the engagement ceremony?"   Osman said, "That would be wonderful, as you are in the neighborhood, and it would lessen the gossip if you were to show your approval."    The rest of the evening was spent making plans, and just being together.    Before they left Osman and Deren, were holding hands, and she nodded at Osman.     He said, "We do not want to steal the limelight, but we would like to tell all of you first.   We are going to be parent's in about seven months.  You are the first to know."  Everyone was even more excited to hear this news, and wished them many blessings.

Later on the way home Sanem said to Can, "How about we plan on being gone five months at first, because I want to enjoy watching our friends become parent's?"   He agreed whole heartily, as he would like that, also!

The next couple of weeks were very hectic, but fun.  First was the engagement ceremony, where everyone laughed hysterically at CeyCey drinking the salted coffee, even CeyCey.

Then Sanem and Leyla took Ayhan dress shopping.  Her choice was a beautiful midi length dress with white ruffles, and short sleeves.  She ask Sanem to make her a flower crown of pink and white flowers.  She picked out the cutest pale pink sandals with short heels.  She was so excited with what she found.   CeyCey was wearing one of his floral suits, that he made.   It matched Ayhan's flowers perfectly.

Next thing they knew it was the Henna Party, and the girl's had so much fun.   CeyCey called them during the party, he was out to eat with Can, Osman, Emre, and friends from work.   He hung up and told the guys he felt kind of jealous that he didn't get a henna party.

Well they had had just enough to drink, that the next thing CeyCey knew they had taken a taxi and bought henna paste to paint his hands.   They were at Can and Sanem's house by this time, and nobody could understand the directions very well.  So by the time the ladies came to pick up their, to much to drink and drive men, there was a mess all over the kitchen sink.   CeyCey's hands had designs on them, but nobody could tell what they were.   There was so much laughter in the house that evening, and all the men had stains on their hands, because of course no one wore rubber gloves.   Sanem told them laughing, "Not to worry, as the stains should probably wear off in a couple of weeks."  That sobered the men up rapidly, and they all started scrubbing their hands, with soap and water.  This lightened up the dye a lot, but Sanem went and found some hydrogen peroxide to use to help CeyCey.   After a couple of tries, most all of the henna was gone, from all of the men's hands.

When they all finished washing their hands, and sobering up, they left to go to their homes. Leyla drove Emre,  Deren drove,  Ayhan, Osman and CeyCey,  and the others all took a taxi home.

When they were all gone, Sanem looked at Can and ask laughing, "Was this your bright idea?" Can replied, "I'm really not sure where the idea came from, but we were all in agreement, it was a good one!"  They went to get ready for bed laughing.

The next day, was so beautiful and the sun was shining.    Ayhan and CeyCey ask, Osman and Sanem to be their witnesses for the Registar Wedding.   It was so sweet, to hear Ayhan and CeyCey repeat their vows.  The reception afterwards was absolutely the best party ever, with all of their friends, and neighborhood there.   None of CeyCey's family were able to come, from so far away.  Of course, no one could get he or Ayhan to tell them where far away, was located.   CeyCey and Ayhan went to visit his family on their honeymoon, to an unnamed location.

About a week after the wedding, Can and Sanem left for their five month writing and photo journey.    Sanem had sent to the publisher, what she had already written from their honeymoon trip.   Can had sent photos that he had taken from the Galapagos trip, of the albatross.  The publishing company was very pleased with the first installment of writing and photos, and could not wait to receive more.

The flight was a long one, over 24 hours, from start to finish flying time and layovers.  They flew from Istanbul to London, then to Vancouver Canada, and then to Hawaii.   From Hawaii islands, they flew in a smaller plane, to the Midway Atoll Islands.   Where they would stay, until story and photos were completed.

They had received special permission from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to stay on the Island and write the story of the Endangered Albatross.  They were allowed to stay in a small room in the dormitories, where the Wildlife workers stayed.   It was not very comfortable, but Can had stayed in worse, and Sanem was not picky.   In fact, she was to excited to care where they stayed.  They were wonderful traveling companions, as neither one was picky or demanding.

The next day they were up early, and shared breakfast with the Wildlife workers.  Then a guide took them to the beach first.   When Sanem first saw the beach, littered with dead birds, she started crying.   Can was shocked, but with permission, started taking photos.

The Wildlife manager, Ben, began giving Sanem the history of what she was seeing.   He told her about the trash that came ashore, and how a lot of it was small plastic pieces.   How the squid, that the albatross baby chicks liked to eat, would cling to the plastic pieces and get swallowed by the birds.  This in turn would either choke them, or make holes in their intestines leading to death.   Meanwhile Can was taking pictures of thousands of birds, lying dead on the beach.

Sanem and Can felt like they had a lot to learn, and also the importance of what they could share with the world through their story and photos.  This area is very important to the birds, for breeding and living.   It is also, important to humans that will eventually ingest the plastic, that the sea life have eaten.

After one day on the island, Sanem had taken enough notes to fill two books.  Can had taken hundreds of photos.   After very little discussion, they both decided to donate any profit that they would receive from the book and photos.  They wanted it to be used for further study on saving the oceans and the environment from so much trash pollution.  They wanted any future generations, especially their children, as well, to have a safe place to live.

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