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When they finally reached Istanbul, it was night, and they were exhausted.  They took a taxi home, fell into the bed till the next morning.   When they got up,  they phoned all of their family and friends to let them know they were back.  They wanted to rest a couple of days, then get together with everyone.

Sanem phoned her doctor's for an appointment, and was able to go the next morning.   After a good breakfast and some of the tea they have been missing.   They just spent the day at home, doing laundry, cleaning up and sorting out their writing and photos.

The next morning Sanem was nauseated again, after tea and crackers, she was able to get ready to go.   She and Can arrived at the hospital, for the doctor appointment.   After lab work, and vital signs, they were shown into an exam room.  Sanem did not like the tiny, open in the back gown she had to put on, but Can loved it!

Dr. Yaman came into the room and after greeting them and being introduced to Can, said, "Congratulations, you are pregnant.   According to your last period, you are about eight weeks."

Sanem ask worriedly, "I haven't missed any pills, is it safe I just stopped them?"

He replied, "Everything should be okay, but we will keep a close watch.  The birth control pills prevents you from ovulation, but obviously did not work.   Have you been on antibiotics in the last few months?"

Sanem replied, "Yes, for a sore throat not long after we arrived at Midway Islands, about three months ago."

"Did you use any other protection during that time?" ask Dr. Yaman.

Sanem and Can shook their heads, 'no'.

Dr. Yaman said, "Come this way then, we will do an ultrasound, and check baby's size and age."

After he rubbed the cool gel on Sanem's stomach, and started moving the wand around, they heard  beeping.   They both started crying, when they realized it was a heartbeat.  The doctor turned a button on the machine, and pictures appeared.   Sanem and Can weren't sure what they were looking at, until the doctor pointed out a few things on the screen.  They were holding hands the whole time.

Dr. Yaman said, "Looks like you are closer to ten weeks, and I can only see one baby.   I can't tell if you have a boy or girl, yet.   I would like to see you in four weeks for recheck.   Let me know if the nausea gets intolerable and I can order something to help.   For now keep using the tea and crackers."

After making another appointment, picking up copies of the ultrasound, they left the office.   As soon as they got into the truck, Sanem started squealing excitedly, "We are having a baby, I am so excited."   Can grabbed her in a hug, and kissed her, and said, "Me too, Baby, Me too!"   They sat there for a few minutes, hugging, just looking at the ultra sound pictures.

Sanem was hungry and decided she wanted to go to her parent's to eat and tell them the news.     Can was all for going to tell them their news, and especially for eating Mevkibe's cooking.

When they pulled up near the Aydin's house in the Malhalla, they saw CeyCey and Ayhan walking down the street.   Sanem ran to hug them, and was so excited that she said, "Can I tell you a secret?"   CeyCey covered his ears and said, "No, no secrets" as he was jumping around.

Can joined them and said laughing, "CeyCey just till we tell Anne, Baba, Emre, and Leyla.   Just keep it a secret for a short time."

CeyCey was jumping up and down, when Sanem whispered in his ear, "We are having a baby.     Now let us go tell Anne and Baba first, go see Leyla and Emre, then you can tell everyone."

DON'T JUDGE A PERSON   (AN ERKENCI KUS LESSON)Where stories live. Discover now