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The next weekend, the six couples would meet at the Aydin's for dinner.    Mevkiba was very excited, that Sanem had phoned to ask if they and their friends could come for dinner.    She had Leyla, helping her to get ready for the dinner.  She noticed that Leyla, was distracted, and she had to keep getting her attention.  She was wondering, what was on her mind.  She would try to talk with her tomorrow, and figure it out.  Now they would just finish preparing the meal.

When everyone got to the Malhalla, there was lots of nervous laughter, and hugs.  They all went in together, Mevkibe and Nihat were so happy with all the young people, coming to eat.  They did notice that Can and Sanem were doing most of the talking, and lots of looks between the others.

Mevkibe was really starting to wonder, what is up?    After a lovely meal, everyone was in the living room, having tea and coffee.   After a few minutes, everyone kept looking at Can and Sanem, to begin.   Mevkibe and Nihat were noticing, lots of fidgeting going on between two of the couples.

Finally Can, took Sanem's hand, then started talking.   He said, "Baba and Anne, I wanted to discuss something with you this evening.   Would it be okay, if you listen till I finish before you react?"   They both nodded, 'Yes.'

Can said, "I am speaking as the elder, of this group."   He looked around to see everyone nodding in agreement.

He proceeded to say, "We know that Leyla and Osman, are promised in marriage, as tradition dictates.   We also know, that they are not in love with each other."

At this Mevkibe and Nihat looked at each other.   Nihat just shook his head, as if let him finish.

Can continued, "We know that Osman and Leyla feel like they are more brother and sister, as they have grown up together.    Now Osman and Deren have become very good friends, and have fallen in love.    Also, Leyla and Emre have become very good friends, and have fallen in love.   As a group we are here to respectfully, ask your permission, that these two couples be allowed to marry their loves."

Sanem spoke up saying, "Baba and Anne, as Deren is an orphan without family, Osman has Ayhan and us.    Emre has parents but is closer to Can.   How would you feel, to take all of them, with us, under your protection and representation?"

They all sat there and watched Mevkibe and Nihat, have a silent conversation, without saying a word.   Leyla and Deren were holding hands, and shaking.   Emre and Osman were holding their breath.   Sanem and Can were holding hands and waiting, they were nervous, as they did not want to lose the respect of Anne and Baba.

After a few minutes, Nihat said, "Thank you for coming to us first, and not running off to get married.  Thank you for the respect that you have all shown us, by being forthright and truthful."

Mevkibe spoke up and said, "We will be happy for all of you to join our family.    Deren, we are honored to have you as our daughter and represent you at your wedding to Osman.     Emre we will be happy to welcome you as our son.   "Nihat holding Mevkibe's hand said, "Some day we will tell you the heartbreak we felt when we had to run off and get married, without our families support.   Tradition is wonderful and we will honor our Turkish traditions for the upcoming weddings, as much as possible.   Sometimes love should win in the end."

Emre and Osman let out a big whoosh of air, and everyone laughed.   Everyone jumped up and started hugging.   Deren who yells and is all powerful at work started crying.   Leyla just looked shocked, and reached for Emre's hand.

Mevkibe said, "Now we will have to work together, because of our neighbors.   We do not want any gossip started, until we are in control.   We won't have a Muzo defending us this time, like he did for Sanem and Can.

After lots of hugs, they all sat down and started planning.   Mevkibe reached over to hold Deren's hand and told her, "We are going to represent you, as your family.  Then we will do the same for Osman.  You are both covered.  We will plan, that Can represent Emre, asking for Leyla's hand in marriage."

Nihat said, "We can have one engagement ceremony for both couples together.  Then you can each plan separate weddings, and we will back you with whatever you want.  We are proud of all you, our children."   Now, there wasn't a dry eye in the house, after that statement.

Sanem and Leyla looked at each other, and realized how fortunate they are to have parent's, that could understand and go against tradition and the Malhalla for love.   They could not understand why they had always been so afraid of them, until their Anne said, "Girls, our guests need more tea and cakes."   Laughing they grabbed each others hand, and ran into the kitchen, to do their Anne's bidding.   Some things never change!

Later, as Can and Sanem were driving home, Can said, "I was wondering, I suspected about Emre and Leyla getting closer.   I just had no clue about Osman and Deren, did you know?   I have been puzzling about it since our dinner."

Sanem replied softly laughing, " Yes, I knew that Osman fell hard, at their first meeting.  He reminded me, about when he came into our office to see me, months ago.   You were out, and he wanted to know who that was beautiful lady, yelling at everyone?   Then before I could even answer, he kept talking about how she was so beautiful.   He wanted me to introduce them, and I did.   Because even if he was supposed to marry Leyla, I knew she was already in love with Emre."

Can said, "I still have a hard time, understanding them, being so in love.   Isn't she older than he is and they have such different personalities?"

Sanem laughed and said, "It is fate, who we fall in love with, look at us!   You are right, she is five years older than Osman, she cared about the age difference, but he didn't.   Their personalities are different, but Osman told me, in confidence, that Deren is an orphan and grew up in foster care.   Her way of coping then and now is to be 'loud and in charge'.   In reality, she is actually quite shy and reserved.  Osman who lost his parent's at age 18, and raised Ayhan, has always been quieter and reserved.   But growing up as his 'sister', I can tell you he can be stubborn and rigid if crossed.   I think they are a good pair."

Can reached over and picked up Sanem's hand, and kissed it, saying, "Like us. I love you. Thank you for loving me."  Sanem smiled and kissed his hand saying, "I love you more! Thank you for loving me."

Can was working on a surprise for Sanem.   As the Agency was doing so well, Emre, Leyla, Deren, and  CeyCey, could keep everything under control for a few months.  Can wanted them to take six months off.  Sanem could work on her study of birds and environment, and he could do photos.

First he would meet with Emre and Leyla to see what they thought, and plan for after their honeymoon.  Talk with Deren and plan for after she and Osman's honeymoon.   Then sit down with Sanem to plan the trip, destination or maybe even two destinations.  He could not wait to tell her, but first check with the others, then the surprise.   

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