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Over the next couple of weeks, Can and Sanem tried to not worry about Polen and her drama. It was hard to think about someone deliberately trying to harm them or any of their family.

The police were still investigating and were continuing to follow-up on Polen. They had gotten a court order that Polen was not to be released until their investigation was over. So far they had found that Polen was allowed to be on social media and email. In the facility she is in, a staff doctor was to monitor her posts and emails. The police had gotten a tip that Polen was having an affair with the doctor, so she was allowed complete freedom. In reading her posts and emails, it was determined that she was telling lies to family and friends. She was telling them that she had been abused by Can and Sanem. Her brother Yigit, was already mad at Sanem, because she would not allow his publishing company to publish her thesis. Then he thought Can had physically abused Polen.

It was determined that all of Polen claims were lies. Friends of Can and Polen testified to the police that abuse was never a factor with them. That if anything Polen would have abused Can. When Yigit found out all of Polen's claims were lies, he was extremely upset with his sister. He was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for attempted murder charges.

The court that sentenced Polen to five years in mental facility, judged her to be to unstable, to be freed. She was sentenced to an additional ten years, in a different prison medical facility, with no contact with friends or family allowed. The doctor in charge of her was fired and lost his medical license.

The police chief decided it would be safer for Can and Sanem, to be safe from Polen's family and friends, if the story was published. For a few weeks, it was the main story in the Istanbul newspapers, television, and internet about what Polen had done recently and five years ago. Can and Sanem did feel safer, but were really glad when the story died down. Can did receive a phone call from Polen's parents, apologizing for what their daughter and son had done to Can's family. Her parents did not realize how unstable she had gotten.

Again Can and Sanem decided that discussing and dwelling on Polen and her problems, was not important to them. They just continued to live their life to the fullest, and to prepare for their next great adventure, twins.

At Sanem's thirty-seven week check-up on a Tuesday, Dr. Yaman told them that he thought that the twins should be delivered on Friday. Sanem was nervous about it being so early, but he reassured her that the twins were measuring about five pounds each, and seemed healthy. He said as Sanem is so petite, that he was afraid they were definitely running out of room.

Sanem and Can agreed that Dr. Yaman knew best, and agreed to an appointment for Friday morning early.

When they left the doctor's office to go pick Ates up at Annie's and Babalicious house, they just held hands knowing they could handle anything together. They made plans for Ates to spend the night with the Aydin's on Thursday night. Sanem's parents would bring Ates to the hospital after he ate breakfast, to meet his sisters.

The next couple of days were very busy finishing the nursery, and washing baby clothes. Sanem had already packed her suitcase, with pink and peach colored matching outfits for the girls. She said laughing, "Right now while the babies are tiny, I am dressing them alike, but maybe different colors. I know as they grow their personalities will be in control of how they dress and act."

Can did agree laughing, "If they are anything like you, they will have very individual and independent personalities."

Ates was very excited, his sisters were coming and he gets to spend the night with Babalicious and Annie.

The excited and nervous couple arrived at the hospital at the appointment time. They could not wait to meet their babies, and were a little nervous, also.

While Sanem was being prepped for surgery, Can was changing into scrubs to be able to be with her. Sanem was having an epidural, so she could be awake for the delivery. She does not like that numb feeling, like she had with Ates, but she does want to be awake.

Going into the delivery room was a surprise, as there were so many people; each baby had her own doctor and nurse. That did not include all the nurses, surgical techs and Dr. Yaman.

The delivery started quickly; after it was determined that Sanem was completely numb. Dark haired baby number one, was crying almost before she was delivered. Impatient little girl weighed five pounds and three ounces. Sanem said with tears flowing, "I think this is Yildiz." Can could just nod as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Dark haired baby number two, was very calm and looking around after she was delivered. She cried just enough to make everyone happy, then just looked at the doctor. She weighed five pounds and three ounces, Sanem said, "I think this is Deniz."

Dr. Yaman said, "They are definitely identical, as there is only one placenta."

While the doctor was finishing up with Sanem, Can went closer to their babies. He still had tears flowing down his cheeks, when he turned to Sanem and said, "They look just like you. I am so happy, to have three beautiful ladies to love." Sanem and all of the staff laughed. It was a happy group in the delivery room, early that morning. Both babies were very healthy and beautiful.

When Ates got to the room, his Anne, Baba, and sisters were all there. Sanem was holding one baby, Can the other one. Ates walked to his Anne first and climbed on the bed. After giving her a hug, he looked at the baby in her arms and said, "Hi baby Yildiz, I am your brother, Ates." He leaned over and gave her a kiss on her head. Can came over and sat on the corner of the bed. Ates crawled over to him and said, "Hi baby Deniz, I am your brother Ates." He then kissed her on the head, also!

Sanem looked at Can and he just shrugged his shoulders, because they had told Ates the names, but no one had told him which baby was which. Somehow he just knew, and called them by their names.

As their family and friends came to visit, they were all astounded that the babies were identical. The Aydin's were shocked as the babies looked so much like Sanem, when she was born. Even though twins ran in their family, as Sanem's Baba is a fraternal twin, and Leyla had twins, this was the first identical twins ever born in the family.

Three days later the Divit's and their three children were on their way home. Mevkibe and Mihriban were going to take turns coming in the daytime, to help them get some rest. Ates was a wonderful little helper. He would bring clean diapers, pick up things for his Anne, and just sit quietly when the babies slept.

Sanem was moving slowly, but Can was helping with the housework, burping babies, and bringing the babies to nurse. Yildiz was impatient, when she was hungry, but the quickest to go to sleep after eating. She loved her Baba to burp her and pick her up. Deniz would wake up, look around for a few minutes, and then cry when ready to eat. She would let Can hold her for long periods, while she just watched him. After eating she would stay awake for a few minutes, just watching. Can would tell Sanem that Deniz was like her for being so curious. He wasn't sure where Yildiz got her impatience. Sanem laughed and said, "I'm not sure either, but maybe from her Baba." They both laughed together, and agreed, it will be fun watching all three of our babies grow into their own personalities. One thing that surprised everyone was that Sanem. Can, and Ates always knew which baby was awake by their cry. No one else could tell them apart, even with their little bracelets, that Can had made for them and a matching one for Sanem to wear. 

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