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The next couple of weeks were so busy, between work, engagement, and wedding plans.   This is Monday, and the engagement ceremony is Friday night.   Can and Sanem had not said anything at work, as they wanted to wait till after the engagement ceremony.    CeyCey suspected something, as Can was always touching Sanem's hand, and she was always smiling at Can.

He didn't say anything, until Deren ask him, "Is something going on with Sanem and Can?"     He replied, "I'm sure there is, but no idea what at this time."    They decided to watch and wait till they announced something.

Ceyda had an appointment on Tuesday, and Can was dreading the meeting.

He wasn't sure if he should warn Sanem, or just let her be her sweet respectful self.   He finally decided to wait and see, how Ceyda acted, and step in if needed.

When Ceyda got there, Sanem greeted her as usual, and ask if she would like some tea or coffee.    Ceyda declined, and Sanem sat back down to bring up the campaign print ad and TV ad on the computer.   Can noticed that Ceyda was being very respectable to both of them, and mostly ask Sanem questions.   She approved their work, thanked both of them and especially Sanem for her ideas.

When she excused herself, and Can had walked her to the reception area, she very politely shook his hand.   When he walked into the office, Sanem said, "What happened to Ceyda, she has really changed her attitude?"     Can replied, "I think it is more likely that I woke up to a few truths, to how some people were acting."   Sanem just said laughing, "Good, she is much easier to work with now.     Not hanging all over you."

Can said, "If no one was looking, I would get you for that!    You seemed to enjoy me being in trouble."  They both laughed together.

The rest of the work week was quiet without any drama.   Can continued to take Sanem and Leyla home from work, and he ate dinner with the Aydin's almost every night.    He really, really liked Mevkibe's cooking.    He and Sanem walked a lot in the evening along the shore.

Friday evening came, and Can, Emre, and Aunt Remide got dressed up and went to the Aydin's for dinner.   Huma had gone out of town, so Can ask Aunt Remide to got with them.   She was thrilled, as she adored Sanem, and was so happy for the young couple.   They arrived with Can bringing flowers and chocolates for Sanem, and flowers for Mevkibe and Leyla.

After a delightful dinner, the families were in the living room talking.    Sanem was in the kitchen nervously making Turkish coffee for all.   She added sugar to all of the cups, but Can's.   She knew he was supposed to drink salty coffee, but knowing he preferred tea, she made him the smallest cup.   He was supposed to drink without making a face, to prove his patience and readiness to marry her, as was tradition.   He didn't have to prove anything to her, but she did as expected.   She had also, warned Can, so he was prepared.

When she went into the living room, she passed out the coffee, saving Can's till last as she sat beside him.    Everyone watched Can, with a smile on their faces, while Can watched Sanem and drank quickly.   He knew Sanem had put less salt, but no one else did, and he smiled at her.

When he finished, Aunt Remide, per tradition stood up to put the gold band rings on the right hands of Can and Sanem.    The rings were tied with a red ribbon.

She begin speaking, thanking the Aydin's for allowing them to visit in their home and for a wonderful meal.   She then blessed the union of their two families, and blessings for Sanem and Can, she cut the red ribbon with the special scissors and pronounced them officially engaged.     After lots of hugs by the two families, Sanem and Can were finally hugging in front of their families.   Sanem and Leyla went to the kitchen for the small engagement cakes to serve everyone.   The sister's hugged each other with happy tears, and squeals.   Their Anne called out asking if everything was okay, they just giggled and called out "Yes."

Everyone was laughing and having a good time, when there was a knock on the front door.     Leyla went to answer the door, when Muzo pushed his way in and ran up the stairs.   He started calling out, "Sanem where are you?  What is going on here?"   Especially when he saw Sanem and Can holding hands, and all the people, he looked puzzled and hurt.

Sanem stood up and went over to Muzo, she took his hand, and tried to get him to leave the room.   She wanted to talk to him privately and not embarrass him anymore than necessary.     He wouldn't move and said, "Tell me now."     She said quietly, "Muzo you are my friend, and have been since we were little kids, but I am going to marry Can."

Muzo was crying and saying, you were supposed to marry me.

Sanem said, "No, I wasn't Muzo.  You have always been like my brother.    I was always supposed to marry Can, he is my other half, and my heart.     I will always love you as my friend, and I hope you will always be my friend.    Could you please, be friends with Can and help us prepare our wedding?    We will always need you to be our friend, please."

Can stood up then and walked over to Muzo and held out his hand and said, "Please, I would be honored for you to be my friend."     Muzo looked at Sanem and Can, held out his hand to Can, and said, "I would like to be your friend and please always take care of Sanem.   She is very special."

Can and Sanem took Muzo by the hand, and lead him over to sit with them.

Sanem sat between them.  There was not a dry eye in the room.   Everyone was impressed how special Can and Sanem are,  and how they handled a delicate situation, without hurting Muzo's feelings.

They all spent the rest of the evening, making plans for a very special wedding, to take place in about four weeks.   Muzo even volunteered to help plan all the music.

This time Sanem and Can noticed how Emre and Leyla were whispering to each other.   They just looked at each other and smiled.

They were not the only ones to notice, as Mevkibe and Aunt Remide looked at each other and raised their eyebrows in silent communication.

Sanem walked Can out with the rest of his family.   They just held hands and smiled at each other.    He ask, "Could I take you out for a meal tomorrow evening and a drive afterward?"   She said, "Of course, I would love to go with you."

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