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Thank you for all of your well wishes and thoughts.  My surgery went well and I am slowly recovering.  I will have a few more months of physical therapy and recuperating, before almost back to normal.  Thank you for your kind words.  I will try and update regularly.  Thank you.

One day at work, there was a lot of noise outside in the hallway. Can got up to check, as there had been no problems since the new security measures had taken effect.   One of the receptionists was following a bleached blond lady down the hall, saying, "Excuse me, you need an appointment."

The lady said, "I don't need an appointment I am Can Divit's girlfriend."

Sanem said, "Wow, this is going to be interesting!"    Can just looked like, 'What?'

When she got to the office door, she grabbed Can around the neck and tried to kiss him.   He pushed her away, and said, "Who are you?"

She said, "You remember me, I am Arzu. You took my pictures a few years ago when I was a model.   I had an allergic reaction to strawberries, and had to leave that day.    I saw the article in the paper about your travels, and decided I need to go with you.   I know you like me, and you are going to be mine."

She looked over at Sanem, who was laughing, and said, "Get out of here, this is my boyfriend, and you can go get me some tea.   I want it to be 160 degrees and sweet.   Go now."

Can started to say something, and Sanem shook her head at him, 'No.'

She stood up and walked over to Arzu.  She said, "My name is Sanem Divit, I am Can's wife and the mother of his child.  I think since you have no business in our company, and no appointment, and no boyfriend here.   You may leave now, and go have your tea at the shop across the street."

Arzu looked at Can, and said, "Is this true, you didn't wait on me?"

Can said, "Obviously true, as I don't remember you, and this is my wife and child.   Please leave, before you embarrass yourself."

After she turned and stomped out of the office, Can turned to Sanem who was laughing very hard.  He just said, 'Don't hurt Ates, laughing so hard!"  Which made her laugh even harder. When she could talk, she said, "Are there anymore women around? I just need to be prepared."

He came over and hugged her saying, "I only have one woman, and it is you.   Now stop laughing!."    She just gave him a kiss, and said, 'I'm pretty sure I will be laughing over this, when we've been married fifty years."

The next few months were busy between work and book signings.   The signings were so much fun as they did them together.  The series of two books, won awards for environmental content and photos.

When Sanem was seven months pregnant, Deren had her baby.   She had kept working till her water broke at the office, then she went to the hospital.   Even during labor she kept thinking of things she needed to do.

Osman and Deren had a beautiful baby girl that they named, Nisa Ayhan.   Osman loves his sister so much that he wanted his daughter to have her name.

 When Sanem and Can went to the hospital to visit, they took turns holding her.   Can when he got his turn, did not want to give her up, and he looked so cute sitting and talking to her.   Osman said laughing, " Ates is going to be one spoiled little boy, if his Baba won't ever put him down."

About this time Leyla and Emre announced that they were pregnant and due in six months. Everyone was so excited with this news, especially when they learned they were having twins.

By the end of the eighth month, Sanem was so tired that she started working from home.   Her doctor was keeping a close eye on her blood pressure, as it was slowly rising.   She had not gained a lot of weight, but her feet were swelling every day.   She was seeing her doctor once a week now.   Can was coming home at lunch, but decided he would probably start working at home, also.  That way Sanem would not be home alone.

Two weeks later at an OB visit, Sanem was told she needed to have labor induced today.   Her blood pressure had gone up again, and she had been diagnosis with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH).   She had been doing everything they had instructed her to do, cut back on salt, drink plenty of water, rest especially lying on her left side.   Today she had gotten her Anne to go to doctor with her, as Can had a meeting at work.

They took a taxi to the hospital, then were going to call Can.   Of course, before they could call Can, he was in the meeting, when he stood up and said, "Excuse me, something is wrong with my wife and I need to leave."

Everyone just looked around as no phone had rang.   Can had not even pulled his phone out of his pocket, till he started out the door.

When Sanem answered the phone, she just said, "Please meet us at the hospital.  Love you."     She hung up and told her Anne, "Somehow we always know when the other one is anxious, something is going on, or nervous.  He is coming."

Mevkibe was amazed, as Sanem had calmed down totally, when she found out Can was on his way.

After getting to the hospital and being checked.   Dr. Yaman told Sanem that it would be better if she went ahead and had a C-section.  He felt it would be safer for mother and baby, to prevent BP from going up any higher.  He did feel like this was caused from being a first pregnancy, not normal, but not uncommon either.   The staff started Sanem on an IV drip of Magnesium Sulfate, to prevent seizures and any further rise in BP.  They were able to do an epidural, so Sanem would be awake during delivery.   Even though Sanem and Can were nervous, they trusted Dr. Yaman, and were ready to meet their son.

The delivery went textbook perfect with a beautiful seven pound baby boy, who let it be known he was comfortable, before being brought into this cold room.    Sanem and Can cried listening and watching him.   Sanem smiled through her tears and said, "Ates, is a good name for our little fire bird."

After Sanem's surgery was completed and she was moved to her room, she had no more BP problems.   Dr. Yaman said, she "would probably not have any BP problems with any additional pregnancies.  They would just keep a close eye on everything."

Three days later, the trio went home.   Little Ates, really liked breastfeeding and holding his Anne's hand while he ate.   Sanem was moving slowly, but doing very well.  Can was like a proud peacock, showing pictures of his family, and helping Sanem.   He changed a lot of diapers and did baby bathing, as Ates refused to take a bottle, so his Baba could feed him.

Ates did love for his Baba to rock him to sleep.  Just like his Anne, he loved to rub Baba's beard, with his tiny hands.

When he was three months old, Sanem went back to work at the agency.   Deren was bringing little Nisa to work with her, and Ates went to work with his parents.   Can and Emre were working on an idea for an at work nursery.   Especially before Leyla and Emre's twins were born.  There were other employees interested in this idea, also.

The Divit men decided that the best thing to do, was to let their wives work on this idea.  They wanted all of their best ideas known upfront, to make planning easier.  They also decided that the best person to head up their in- work nursery was their Anne-in-law, Mevkibe.   Between she and Mihriban, their step-Anne, they felt they could do no wrong in planning.   They knew their wives would be happy.   They were right as plans were falling into place easily.

Huma flew into Istanbul and wanted to be the star, with her grandson.  The only thing was, that Ates cried every time she held him.   Nobody could figure out why, but even as an infant he cried, whenever she picked him up.

His Baba or Anne could hold him and he would just sit and look at her, without crying.   She finally said one day, "I think he is trying to tell me something.  He looks at me like he knows all my secrets."   Can would just laugh, and say "He is just a baby, maybe he doesn't like your perfume or something."

Huma said, "I don't know, but he seems extra smart or something."   Can and Sanem just laughed when she said those things, telling her, "Of course, he is extra smart, he's ours."

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