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When Sanem was twenty weeks, she and Can went for an ultrasound.  When Dr. Yaman came into the room, he ask if they "were ready to find out what they were having?"

Sanem said, "Yes, but a little nervous, too."  Can just held her hand ready for whatever they found out.

Dr. Yaman told them that all of "Sanem's vital signs and lab results were normal. It would be okay if she gained a little more weigh, but everything was going as normal for carrying twins."

Once he put the cool gel on Sanem's abdomen and started the ultra sound, Sanem was squeezing Can's hand very tightly.  As the probe was moved around, Dr. Yaman said, "definitely two babies and I can tell that one of them is a girl. Looking more closely here, it looks like that the babies are sharing one placenta. So it looks like you will be having identical twin daughters."

Sanem and Can could not believe that the girl's might be identical. Sanem said nervously, "Will I be able to tell them apart?" Dr. Yaman and Can laughed and Dr. Yaman said, "I have never met a mother who couldn't tell her babies apart. Don't you worry about that, you will know."

They left the appointment holding hands and just grinning from ear to ear. They were so excited about this new adventure they were about to start.

They decided to keep it a secret that the twins were probably identical, but would share that they were having two girls, with their family and friends.

They began talking about names, and both agreed that they loved Deinz Mevkibe, and Yildz Mihriban as names for the girls. The only thing was they were not sure how Huma would handle one of them not named after her. Can was fine with the names, in fact it was his suggestion for Mihriban as a middle name. He felt closer to her than he did Huma. For now they would just mention first names, when asked, and wait for final decision later.

Can and Sanem had settled back into working at the Agency, and some of their combined projects had even won awards for originally.

The nursery at work was doing great,with Mevkibe and Mihriban in charge.   Ates loved spending time with his cousins and their friend's children. It was a very happy nursery, with lots of employees taking advantage of the free child care and safety for their children. The idea for at work/nursery was gaining popularity in the business community, as employees were happier at work and it was proven that productivity of work was increased. Their nursery became an example for many of the businesses to follow.

The newest account that Sanem was working on was very dear to her heart. It was on natural baby products, and she was enjoying checking them out. She had been making Ates bath and lotion products since he was born. She had made bath products for Leyla's babies. She had not ventured out to anyone else, because she didn't want to pursue licensing or patents.

She had already planned the TV and print ads, and was still working on an appropriate slogan. The one she wanted to use was, 'Natural Baby Love', but wasn't sure if the client wanted to continue to follow the natural path. She had noticed in some of the ingredients, some chemicals added that wasn't familiar to her. She was meeting with the chemist and owner of the company this afternoon, and she had ask Can to go with her for support. She was planning to ask some tough questions about their ingredients, before she presented details of her campaign ideas.

When they reached the meeting place, Can took Sanem's hand and told her to do whatever she felt was right even if they lost the account. Because he trusted her judgment above anyone else's, and if she felt something was off, just follow her instincts.

They went into the meeting hand in hand, and were introduced to the older couple who owned the company, 'baby & me'.   Mr. & Mrs. Kavak told them that their chemist, Esma would be here shortly. Since they were meeting in a local restaurant during lunch, they all ordered some light snacks and drinks. Of course, Sanem had to order tea as her drink of choice. The couple was so excited to hear that Sanem and Can were expecting twins, and had a two year old son at home.

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