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During the next few years, Sanem and Can lived a very calm life. They both still worked at the agency, and still traveled for Sanem's writings and Can's photography. They loved their children and spent as much time as possible making sure that they had a good life.

Ates started school, and loved it, he loved learning and reading especially. Just like his parent's he read a lot and like his Anne, he remembered everything he read. He wanted to be a doctor, from the time he was little, and never changed his mind. He studied hard, and won scholarships to prestigious Medical schools in Turkey and in America. He always had a special touch and intuition with his patients, and became a famous Diagnostician Medical Doctor in Turkey. People came from all over the world to be his patient, and he turned down offers to practice all over the world. Even though he traveled a lot, he always came home to Turkey and his family. He was very handsome like his Baba, and women chased him a lot. He never let it interfere with his family or medical practice.

When he was about thirty years old, he met another doctor that shared his same dreams. They fell in love and married within a year. They had three beautiful children and live in Istanbul near his parents. Can and Sanem never once interfered in their life.

The twins, identical in looks, and looked so much like their Anne, that people stared and would sneak photos, when the three went out together. Their personalities were totally different. Yildz was more active and outgoing then Deinz. She was always the star of school plays, the head cheerleader, and played different sports. Even with all of these activities, she was very smart and made good grades. Her parents taught her that education was very important to having a fulfilling life. She wanted to be an actress, and her parents agreed that they would help her in any way possible. The only thing they ask her was to attend college, while she developed her acting career. She agreed, as she knew how hard it was for her Anne to get her degree. She found that she had a talent for business, and received her degree, prior to becoming a famous star in Turkish Rom-Com's. After a few years of acting, she fell in love with her co-star, and they married and had twins, a son and a daughter. The couple became an inspiration to people all over the world for their abiding love.

Deinz, was a quiet beautiful child, and became a serene beautiful young lady. She was a nurturer for everyone and loved her family unconditionally. She loved animals, almost more than people. She became a Veterinarian, and founded an organization to help in animal rescues. She became known worldwide for her contributions of time and money, to animal rescue in disasters.  She was a writer like her Anne, and wrote her parent's love story, with their permission, that included all of the family history. It even included how her Baba was stolen as a newborn, and the trauma that Sanem had to go through to get an education. Her book became a movie, which her sister, Yildz and her husband starred in and won many awards. Deinz married her high school sweetheart and had two daughters that looked just like her, her sister, and her Anne.

As Sanem's parents got older, they moved in with Can and Sanem, because they had the bigger home. After Aziz passed away, while the children were in college, Can had Mihriban move in with them, also. None of the parents were disabled, but Can and Sanem just wanted all of them together. The parents were all able to travel together and live happily. Can and Sanem still had room for their children and grandchildren to visit often.

Emre went to visit Huma in prison, but when she still tried to blame everyone else for what she had done, he never went back. It was very sad, but no one else ever tried to visit her and she passed away while in prison.

Polen and Yigit, when they were released from prison, their parents took them to London. They were banned from ever returning to Turkey.

Leyle and Emre's son Altan grew up to be a photographer like his Uncle Can, and married Nisa, Osman and Deren's daughter. They travelled worldwide taking photos. They had a daughter that traveled with them everywhere.

Their daughter, Ahu became a college professor and never married. She was happy to live with her long term boyfriend. Leyla and Emre never said a word to their children about their lifestyles, as like Can and Sanem they learned from their parent's mistakes.

CeyCey and Ayhan had two sons' that grew up to be as funny and carefree as their parent's. Both sons' became writers, actors, and comedians. No one was surprised, as their parents were natural comedians. To this day they still would not tell anyone where CeyCey grew up.

When Can and Sanem had been married forty years, they were both in good health and still very much in love. Their children gave them a wedding vow renewal ceremony and a honeymoon trip to the Galapagos. They had a wonderful time, and laughed when they got back that they were not as agile as they were on their first honeymoon.

They still held hands, and loved each other very much. Theirs was a great never-ending love story, a marriage of respect for each other, and love for all of their family.


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