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The next day, Sanem got up and decided to go ahead and go to work, even though Can told her to stay home today.  She ate breakfast with her parent's and Leyla, finished getting dressed and opened the front door, to leave with Leyla.

There stood Can, leaning against his truck, smiling.   He just said, "Right on time. I knew you would not stay home and rest.   Are you ladies ready?"   He opened the passenger doors for the sisters to get in and drove them to work.   Nobody said very much on the way, but Can and Sanem keep smiling at each other.   Leyla just shook her head and told him thank you.

Can and Sanem worked all day with finishing up a couple of campaigns.  They had an appointment at 2:00 with a new client.  So after a shared lunch outside, Mevkibe had packed extra today because she knew they would share, they went back inside.

The receptionist walked a beautiful tall brunette and older man back to the office.  They were representatives, of a perfume company, a new account.

Sanem noticed immediately that the girl, named Aicha, was all over Can.  The gentlemen was her uncle, the owner of the company, Rebul.

After shaking hands with Can and Sanem, they began talking about what they would want in a campaign, if they chose the Agency.    Aicha was sitting very close to Can, and kept grabbing his arm.   Sanem just shook her head, and talked with Mr. Rebul.

After a few minutes, Mr. Rebul ask Sanem if she was a chemist, as she is "very knowledgeable about the process of perfume making".    Sanem said, "No, but I do make my own cream."    He ask, if she were wearing it now.   Can spoke up and said, "Yes, she is.".    Sanem just grinned at Can.

Mr. Rebul ask if he could smell the cream.    Sanem got a small container out of her purse and gave it to Mr. Rebul.   He opened it and smelled the cream, he said, "This is wonderful.   Would you be willing to sell your recipe?"

Sanem said respectfully, "I am so sorry, but this is a family recipe passed to me from my grandmother.   I promised her I would never sell it, just share it.   I don't mind if you take that with you, but I will never sell or give the actual recipe."

Mr. Rebul replied as he handed the container back to Sanem, "No, I will not take your cream.   Our company was founded on a family recipe, and I understand tradition.  Thank you so much for your offer."

In the meantime, Aicha was whispering to Can, holding onto his arm.    He just looked at her, and said, "I am sorry, but that is impossible.    I have an appointment, to meet with my, hopefully future in-laws tomorrow evening.    I am hoping that they agree for Sanem and I,  to be married very, very soon!"   As he was saying this, he was walking over to Sanem, reaching for her hand.

He kissed her hand while she was blushing vividly.    Mr. Rebul was so impressed with this sweet, smart couple, that he decided right then to give them the account.   He wished them the best in their future.   Aicha grinning said, "Oh good, I will get to work with Can, a lot."

Her uncle said, "No, you will not be working on this account.   I will work with them myself.   There is no need for you to be involved."

He shook Can's and Sanem's hand, took Aicha by the arm and led her out the door.   He told Can to please call him when the presentation is ready.

As Can was walking them to the receptionist desk to checkout, he heard Mr. Rebul telling Aicha, she would be fired if she tried to contact Can, ever.   She had ruined to many accounts with her flirting and high jinks, and he was tired of it, and cleaning up her messes.   He will stop financing her mountain climbing trips if she disobeys him.   She left the office stomping her feet like a spoiled child.   Can just laughed, and was thinking, how ridiculous all these so called 'high society' women are, and he is glad he found a true lady.

Can and Sanem finished up their work, and when Leyla finished, he took them home.   Can kissed Sanem's hand and said, "I will see you tomorrow evening."    As there was no work tomorrow, on Saturday.

After thanking Can, they went into the house, and Leyla said, "What is going on with Anne and Baba?"   Sanem replied, "I don't know, they have not yelled at me yet.  I am nervous, maybe tomorrow, they will yell."

The Aydin Family had a very quiet evening, without any yelling or fussing at anyone.    The girl's were really getting nervous.   What will happen when Can and his family came for dinner?

Mevkibe, had Sanem resting on Saturday, and had Leyla helping her prepare for the Divit family coming for dinner.   Sanem spent most of the day writing in her journal, about how her life is changing so rapidly.

Finally it was time for Can and his family to come.   Emre and Huma were so glad to finally get there, because Can was driving them crazy being so nervous.   He had spent the day at the gym, running for miles, and exercising in the garden.    He was ready early, and kept pacing till time to leave.

Sanem answered the door when they rang,  she and Can just stood looking at each other smiling.    Leyla finally came down the stairs, and invited everyone into the house.   They all changed shoes and laughed at Can and Sanem, who both blushed.

After a wonderful meal, with lots of laughing at Can and Emre, who oohed and awed over the wonderful food.   Huma laughed and said her boys, "Aren't used to good home cooked meals like this, as she didn't cook much more than breakfast."

After cleaning up after the meal, which Can and Emre insisted on helping Sanem and Leyla.    There was a lot of laughing going on in the kitchen, and probably not as much cleaning.

Afterwards, they joined the parents in the living room.   Sanem and Leyla sat beside their parent's on the couch.  Can, Emre, and Huma sat on the love seat and chair across from them.

Huma started talking, saying "as a representative of the Divit family, since Can's father is out of the country, she had a question for them."    Nihat said, "Please continue."

Huma replied, "That as Can and Sanem seemed to have feelings for each other, we would like to ask for Sanem's hand in marriage to Can?"

Nihat and Mevkibe held each others hand and looked first at Can, then at Sanem, who were both holding their breath.   Nihat said, "We agree."

When he said that, Can jumped up and kissed Nihat's hand and placed the hand to his forehead, in respect.    Then he did the same to Mevkibe, saying I promise to always take care and love Sanem.   Then he kissed Sanem's hand, and took her to the window seat together.  They sat there smiling at each other.   Everyone was smiling and happy for the young couple, who seemed ecstatic!

Mevvkibe ask if Can was willing to have a traditional wedding in the Malhalla, with a lot of nosey, noisy neighbors.    Can said, "Absolutely, whatever you want us to do.    Sanem and Leyla have told us a lot, but I have to confess, it still confuses and scares me."   Everyone had a good laugh, and started discussing the necessary things to be done.

They told them, "First there will be an engagement ceremony, then set a wedding date, and plan where  the wedding and reception will be held.   Where are you thinking you will live?"    Can said, "I haven't talked with Sanem about this yet, but if she likes it we can renovate my old childhood home.   It is located only about five miles from here, on the coast."    He was looking at Sanem, who just nodded, 'Yes.'

Can then ask if he and Sanem could spend time together dating before the ceremony.    Her parent's said, "Yes, but she had to be home every night, at a reasonable time."

Sanem and Can both just nodded, 'Yes.'  They just sat and looked into each others eyes, held hands, and listen to her parent's and Huma make plans.

No one noticed that Emre and Leyla were sitting there whispering to each other.   

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