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Several weeks later, Sanem was so excited, she had almost finished her thesis and ahead of the deadline.  She was getting so much done at the library, after work and her parent's were happy with the extra income.    As she got off work an hour before Leyla, it was working out great.

She was really enjoying her work, and had made so many new friends.  She was so very happy!

Today marked three months, since Sanem had started as a Bring and Take girl. CeyCey had noticed how smart Sanem is on many occasions.  When she would very quietly correct something in a campaign, without anyone noticing, but CeyCey.  When Sanem was ask to bring a file to the conference room, she didn't think anything about it as she had done this many times before.  When she got into the room and was quietly passing out the coffee and tea, there was an older lady sitting there.  Sanem did not know who she was, but the lady, Can's Aunt Remide, noticed Can watching Sanem with a small smile on his face.   What was interesting to her was how everyone seemed to love Sanem, and she had a very quiet, kind word for everyone.

Aunt Remide decided to try something different, she said to Sanem, "Who are you girl?"  Sanem replied, "Ma'am, I am the Bring and Take girl."   Aunt Remide said, " Come have a seat by me, I want to talk to you.   Can, get this girl a chair, now!"

Sanem looked at CeyCey, Deren, and Can, who all nodded, yes to her to sit.  Everyone in the room was a little scared of Aunt Remide, so they all had a sigh of relief that someone else was on the hot seat, even if it was sweet Sanem.

Aunt Remide said, "What is your name?"  She answered, "Sanem".

"Now Sanem do you know anything about chickens and my account?   These people don't know how to do anything.  So I will ask your opinion?  Go on girl speak up."

Sanem felt kind of scared, but she looked at Can and he blinked his eyes, as a 'yes, go on'.

Sanem started with a, "Well, I do know about your account, as I pulled all the files for today.   I quickly read to make sure I pulled the right ones.

I do know about chickens, as I study all types of birds."  Taking a deep breath she started, explaining what she knew about chickens, briefly, then she said apologetically, "But I don't think the advertising for your account is quite right."

Everyone looked shocked and Deren started to scold Sanem, when Aunt Remide raised her hand for silence.    She told Sanem to keep going, and she did "explaining that the advertising should emphasis what a housewife would want, natural, clean, and healthy options.  How about a scene in an open market, with housewives shopping for veggies and eggs that are on display.   A big sign saying "Fresh is Better," with some little baby chickens in a box by the check out."

Everyone was astounded, because Sanem just out of thin air came up with the whole campaign. Aunt Remide was so happy and said, "Sanem, you are now in charge of my campaign."  Sanem sat stunned for a minute, then started saying, "No Ma'am, I couldn't, I am a Bring and Take girl.   I am so sorry I just got carried away.   Everyone here is brilliant, I am so sorry."  She got up to leave when Deren said, "Sanem would you please have a seat, and please work with us on this campaign?  I think it is time for a promotion."

Sanem was almost in tears, as she heard these words, but still felt unqualified.  Can looked at the whole team and said, "What do all of you think?"  It was unanimous that everyone wanted to work with Sanem.  Can said, "I agree, Sanem you are now our new Creative Assistant."

Aunt Remide then ask Sanem, "Do you know any of our past Advertising stats, from previous years?"  Sanem said, "Yes Ma'am", and started rattling them off, without looking at any papers.    CeyCey opened his file and said, "You got them all right. How did you do that, so quickly?"

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