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When he got to his house, all the lights were on.  As this was unusual, he cautiously went into the house.   He heard voices in the living room, and when he went around the corner,  he was shocked.   Polen was sitting there with Huma, having a glass of wine.   She said, "Can, where have you been?   We need to make plans!"  Can looked at his mother, who just shrugged her shoulders, and Emre who had a shocked look as well!

Can said calmly, "What are you doing in my home, Polen?"  She replied, "Well I knew you would be wanting to plan our wedding.    So I came as soon as I could.  The police are dropping all the charges, as that girl doesn't matter, she is just an ignorant from the Malhalla."

Can said, "You are not staying here, and there will never ever be a wedding between us.  How did you get out of jail?  You have been charged with assault and battery.  Sanem had to have surgery after your attack."

" I just called Metin and told him that we are engaged.  That it was all false charges, and you wanted him to get me out of jail.   I told him not to call you, I would just surprise you at home." said Polen smiling.

Can said, "I have never ask you to marry me.   Why do you think I did?    Also, you had no right to use my attorney."

Even Huma was starting to get a scared look on her face, the more Polen was talking.  Emre decided he would call the police, as he was sure this was not going to end well.

Polen just looked at Can and said, "Really, because you are going to marry me."   She picked up her purse and pulled out a gun.  "I am tired of you running around with cheap women, and you will marry me tonight,"

Huma ran over to Emre and he pulled her out into the garden.  He motioned to Can that he had phoned the police, and they were on their way.   Can nodded, and turned to Polen.  He said, "You don't want someone to marry you, that doesn't love you.    Put the gun down before someone gets hurt."

She said screaming,  "I have even tried to get pregnant so you would have to marry me.  I poked holes in the condoms, but you brought your own.    Now I just have to make you marry me.   We will be so happy, you can quit working with those people.   If you don't I will just kill all of them."

Can, Emre, and Huma were absolutely shocked that Polen was this sick.

By this time the police were at the garden door and heard every threat she made.  As she was distracted, and Can was moving around, two of the officers were able to slip behind her.  When one of them made a noise, so she would turn, the other one tackled her to the ground, and they kicked the gun away.

As they lead her away, she was yelling, 'I will be back to get you and I will kill that girl next time."    The Officer in charge told Can, "She will not be able to be bailed out again, and we are witnesses to her threats.  She is a very disturbed lady"

After they left, Can and Emre each had a large whisky.    Huma said, "I am so sorry sons, I will not bring  women around anymore, unless we check them out.  This was unreal, I thought she was a good person, well educated, wealthy, and high society.

Can said, "I have always felt that personality, was a good indicator of a good person.   But I obviously, am not a good judge of character either.   I think from now on we will all be very careful.  You will not bring women around for us anymore, as Emre and I are adults.   We can find our own women and make our own mistakes."   As Emre nodded his head vigorously, 'yes'!    Huma just looked defeated, as she had encouraged Polen, and look what happened.

The next day, Can went to the office, and was surprised with how quiet it was when he got there.  There were a lot of people in the office, but no one was talking loudly as usual.   Can felt like maybe he better have a meeting right away.  He called Deren to come to the middle of the office, with him.

DON'T JUDGE A PERSON   (AN ERKENCI KUS LESSON)Where stories live. Discover now