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While they were eating, Mevkibe came in and there was a young man with her. He ran over to Sanem and tried to hug her, while she was saying, "Don't touch me, Muzo. You're hitting my sandwich."

Mevkibe noticed that Can frowned and stood up as if to defend Sanem.    Sanem looked at him and said, "This is Muzo, my childhood friend.   He is always silly."

Muzo said, "No, you are going to be my bride."

Sanem said, "No, I'm not Muzo. Leave me alone."

Mevkibe was watching Can during this exchange and noticed he did not look happy at all.   In fact he looked like he wanted to grab Sanem away from Muzo's touch.  She said, "Muzo, behave and leave Sanem alone, she is eating."

Mevkibe said, "Can Bey thank you for bringing Sanem lunch.   She would have been okay with the hospital food.  You shouldn't spoil her.  We are here now if you need to go back to work."

Can Bey just sat back down and said, "No, I am fine to sit here a while longer."   To Mevkibe, he looked like he was on guard duty.    Sanem just looked at him with a little shy smile, and he smiled back.  For a few seconds, there was no one in the room but them, then Sanem turned red and started eating again.

Muzo ran over to Can and said, "Who are you and why are you sitting with my fiancée?"  Can just looked at Muzo, and didn't say a word.

Sanem said, "Muzo what are you doing, Can Bey is my boss and he brought me lunch.   Besides you are not my fiancé!"

Mevkibe just sat and watched Can, and smiled while she told Muzo, "Sit down and be quiet.  You are not Sanem's fiancé, yet!"

Mevkibe is a very smart, intuitive lady and knew her daughter very well, probably better than Sanem knew herself.   She could see that Can and Sanem had feelings for each other.  She would watch those two and see what happens.

She begin asking Sanem and Can questions about work.   Sanem was quiet, but Can excitedly, started telling how Sanem was so smart and how she is coming up with Campaign ideas and slogans, when the team is stumped for ideas.  He looked at Sanem and said, that "The company would be lost without her, and everyone is excited that she is getting better and coming back to work."   He again looked at Sanem, and they just smiled at each other.

Mevkibe had her answer, Can had fallen for Sanem, a simple girl from the Malhalla, and Sanem was still falling.   She would have to think long and hard on how they were going to deal with this situation.

Mevkibe stood up and said, "Muzo, we need to go home now.  Tell Sanem and Can Bey bye, and let's go!"

Muzo whined, "But I want to stay with Sanem."

Mevkibe replied, "Not now Muzo, she needs her rest.   We will see you tomorrow, Sanem," as she kissed Sanem goodbye, and she told Can "to have a good evening".

Muzo went out the door saying, "Why does he get to stay?"

Sanem and Can looked at each other and started laughing.   Can said, "Are you really going to marry him?"   Sanem frowned saying. "If I can help it, No!"

Can just smiled great big, and said, "I am glad to hear that you are not marrying him."  Sanem just looked and smiled back at Can.

They sat there together for a while, in a comfortable silence, till Sanem fell asleep.  Can called Deren and let her know he wouldn't be back at work today, and call him if any problems.  Then he just sat and watched Sanem sleep.   He wanted to be close to her for a while, till he dosed off as well.

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