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This is my version of what I would have liked to have happen at the ending of EK. I never felt like Huma was a mother figure. I always, every show toward the end of the series, waited for them to say Mihriban was Can's mother, but it never happened. I apologize if my version is similar to anyone else's version. I have tried very hard not to copy others ideas of what should have happened. I have not read this version anywhere else, this is straight from my imagination.

I do know that there is an ABO blood type incompatibility, and I do know that an O+ person and an AB- person cannot have an AB- baby. I just used this as an example of how ridiculous it was that it took almost thirty years for anyone to notice, that Can was not Huma's son. Thank you for all of the kind, funny, and educational comments. 

I am so sorry for long chapter and any mistakes.  Thank you for reading.

Detective Altay stood in front of the group and had the older lady sit in a chair beside him. Everyone was wondering who she was, but no one ask. He started out telling everyone about the attorney that visited Can's orthopedic doctor. He explained what the attorney wanted the doctor to do about Can's records. There were a lot of shocked looks and noise in the group. Can and Sanem just sat and held hands, waiting and watching.

When everyone quieted down, he continued, "We have been investigating as this is considered fraud and a felony. What we have found is very disturbing. We have not updated Can, as to what we have found out, so this is a surprise to him and Sanem. I have a few questions for a couple of you."

He turned to Mihriban and ask her, "Mrs. Divit did you give birth to a child November 1989?" Everyone turned to her, as she became very pale, and just looked at Aziz. He got her by the hand and said, "Mihriban, what is he talking about?" She started crying and said, "I am so sorry Aziz, I have never told you, but I was pregnant when you broke up with me to marry Huma. I did have a baby, but he was stillborn. I should have told you, but I was all alone, and hurt so much, because you married Huma. My family disowned me. Then I heard that Can was born, and I grieved so much for my baby. I have never told anyone about my baby. The hospital would not even let me have his body to bury." There was not a dry eye in the room, except Huma who just looked smug.

Detective Altay turned to the lady sitting beside him, and introduced her as Adile Bulut, a former nurse at the Istanbul Hospital. He asks her if she had anything to say to the group. She started crying and said, "I am so sorry. I took the money for my family and have felt guilty for thirty years, about what I have done. Mrs. Divit, I helped steal your baby and I told you he died. I am so sorry for what I have done. When Detective Altay came to my house, I was so glad to finally tell the truth. I don't know her name, but the woman in the black blouse, is the one that gave me the money to steal your baby. I am so sorry." She was crying so hard that Sanem got up and went over, and put her arms around the elderly lady. Everyone was just looking at Huma in shock. Huma said, "None of that is true, don't believe her. She is old and forgetful. Can is my son, not hers."

Can, Aziz, and Emre sat speechless, just looking around. Mihriban just sat with a wounded look on her face.

Detective Altay said, "We have found that everything, Mrs. Bulut has said is true. We have been able to do a DNA test on Can and Huma Uzun, and she is not his mother. We were able to do the test from Can's hospital admission, and then we were able to go undercover and obtain DNA from Mrs. Uzun. We have not done a DNA test on Mrs. Divit and Can yet to determine if he is the baby stolen from the hospital nursery. We will be doing this test as soon as possible. Now we have found out that Huma Uzun hired the attorney to approach Can's doctor and offer money to change his medical records. The attorney that she hired is under arrest, as we speak. Now Huma Uzun, please stand. You are under arrest for felony kidnapping of a newborn, trying to falsify medical records, attempted fraud."

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