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Being pregnant with twins was very tiring for Sanem. She had not had a lot of nausea or vomiting, but more fatigue, than with the first pregnancy.

At six months pregnant, she started working only four days a week. She was taking Wednesday's off. This gave her a break in the middle of the week. She and Ates would just stay home together, playing and having fun.

On these days they would take a long afternoon nap together.  Can would tell them he was jealous they got to take long naps.  Ates patted his Baba beard and told him it was okay, that he was taking care of Anne and baby sisters.

Ates was a very caring little boy and very mature for a two and one half year old. He could really ask a lot of questions, which his Baba said made him just like his Anne. She always wants to know everything, too! Those three always laughed a lot and loved to explore together.

One Wednesday, Can was on his way home from work, when a big truck ran a red light and hit the truck in the driver's door. Can was taken to the hospital, and Sanem was called by the police. She and Ates drove to the hospital, calling Emre on the way. Emre phoned the rest of the family, and everyone met Sanem there.

Can was still unconscious, but the ER doctor felt like that was from blood loss. They were doing a type and cross match, to give him blood, before he was taken to surgery to repair a broken leg. Sanem was surprisingly calm, crying, but calm. Probably because Ates, told her "Baba be okay."

The nurse came out to the waiting area and asks about family members with the same blood type as Can. Can's blood type is AB negative, a very rare type of blood, even though O negative is a universal donor, they would prefer to use AB negative for his transfusion. Emre said he was O positive, and Can's Baba, Aziz's said he was O positive, also. They were trying to get a hold of Can's Anne, Huma, who was out of the country. Mihriban spoke up and said, I am Can's step-Anne, but my blood type is AB negative. I will be happy to see if we match.

The nurse had Mihriban come with her to the lab, for a type and cross match for compatibility to Can's blood. Sanem was really happy when Emre came to tell her that someone with Can's blood type had been found. She was surprised that it was Mihriban, but very happy.

In the meantime Can was rousing up, and wanted to know what happened. Sanem told him about the accident, and that he had a broken leg. She explained about waiting on blood match, before going to surgery. Can said, "I know my blood type is rare, but I have never had to have a transfusion."

Sanem told him not to worry, as "Mihriban had the same blood type and was being cross matched, right now." This information brought tears to both of them.

Even though he was in pain, Can was able to tell her he was so glad, she and Ates were not in the truck with him. He said he just remembered the crash and not much else. Sanem told him the police officer had said, that it was a hit and run, but everything was caught on traffic camera. They were tracking down the big truck that hit him, because they had the tag number. She told him not to talk anymore and rest.

In a few minutes, the surgical team came to get Can. They told Sanem to not worry, that he would have the blood in OR, that they had found a perfect match. That it should not take long to set his leg and repair the bleeding. Sanem kissed Can and went to the waiting area with the rest of the family.

Ates was sitting with his two grandfathers, when Sanem came into the waiting area. He ran to her, and when she sat down he climbed onto her lap, and just sat hugging her.

In the meantime Emre had gotten hold of Huma, who told him her blood type is O positive, also. She would be flying into Istanbul on the first flight.

Everyone was so worried about Can, that it did not cross their mind about Can's whole family being O positive, and he was AB negative.

After the surgery, Can was to be on crutches for about six to eight weeks, which he complained about a lot. Two weeks after the accident, he had gotten a new truck, and was able to drive, as he had a splint on his left leg. He had a closed fracture of the fibula bone, the smaller of the two bones below his knee. It wasn't long before he was at the gym working out, with his doctor's permission. Even though he grumbled, he was very thankful that the accident had not been worse. He was even more thankful that his family had not been with him.

The police had found the abandoned vehicle that hit him, but it was a rental. The person that had rented it had used a false name and identification. The rental agency uses camera, so they had a picture of the person. The police were sure it was just a matter of time, before they arrested the person.

About seven weeks later Can had the splint off and just used a cane for walking long distances. When he was leaving the Orthopedic Surgeon's office, the doctor mentioned that it was a good thing that Can's mother had his rare blood type. Because it made surgery so much safer and easier on Can. Can and Sanem just thanked him and left, but were both puzzled that the doctor thought his mother was at the hospital during his surgery. They had not discussed much about his getting blood during the surgery. Can did decide he would talk to his Baba about it soon, as Huma was again out of the country. This time she was with her new husband, number four and they did not want to contact her on her honeymoon.

A few days later Can and Sanem had just left her OB doctor's office, after another good check-up. She was thirty-two weeks at this time, and Dr. Yaman felt like they should probably do a c-section delivery at about thirty-eight weeks. He explained that she could deliver vaginally, but it is safer for identical twins if c-section is done. As they share a placenta, there is a chance that the umbilical cords could become entangled during vaginal delivery. Sanem and Can were in agreement that they were okay with her having another c-section for safety of their babies. Can received a phone call, when they got to the truck. It was the police, they had arrested the hit and run driver, and they wanted Can to come by the police station.

When they got to the station, they were shocked to learn that the driver was Polen's brother Yigit. The police officer in charge told them that Yigit admitted to the hit and run. Yigit told the police that Can had been engaged to his sister, and dumped her for a simple girl from a Malhalla. Can told the officer, that he had never been engaged to Yigit's sister. Can and Sanem explained to them what had happened with Polen almost five years ago. The officer pulled up the records, and saw what Polen had done. Can also explained about the meeting with a former classmate of Polen's recently, how she had been rude and ugly to them. The officer said, he was going to do some checking on her situation. Because according to the records, Polen would get out soon. He was afraid that she was up to old tricks, and maybe deceiving the facility to get out. They did not want that to happen, especially as Sanem was pregnant, and Can had been injured recently by her family member. The officer felt like maybe she had been in touch with her family and friends, and was still lying about being engaged to Can. He certainly did not want her out of lock-up, especially if she was going to cause trouble in his precinct. He told Sanem and Can to go home, and try not to worry. He would have officers; start doing regular patrols in their neighborhood, until he could find out more about Polen.

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