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I am so sorry, but there is violence in this chapter.

It is sad, but does help with Can and Sanem's story.

When Can went back into the office, Deren was sitting with Sanem, showing her the Compass Sports work-up.   Sanem didn't say a word, just looked and thought for a moment.   Then she said, "I don't want to sound pushy, but what if instead of athletes, what if we have a family camping out, using Compass Sports equipment?  The kids and parents, could be playing games and yelling, 'FIND ME'.  Then when they are all driving home the Baba could look over to the Anne, while the kids are sleeping in the backseat, and quietly say, 'WE FOUND OURSELVES', this weekend.  Something kind of like that?"

Can and Deren were again amazed at the way this girl's mind worked.   Here was another great idea for a print and TV campaign, and a perfect slogan.

Deren jumped up and started yelling, "This is great, you are a wonder!" She took off out the door, and Sanem just sat there with a scared look on her face.

Can squatted down beside her chair and said, "Sanem are you okay?"

"Yes, Can Bey, I am not quite sure what happened with Ms. Deren, but I am okay." said Sanem quietly.

Can said, "You have really come through for us the last couple of days.  Why didn't you tell anyone, about your talent?"

"I was hired to be a Bring and Take Girl, so I didn't think I was supposed to do anything else!" said Sanem.

Can said, "Sanem have you ever thought about going to a university?"

Sanem smiled and said, "Can Bey, can I tell you a secret, not even my sister knows?"

Can smiled and said "Okay, and I won't tell anyone."  She leaned closer and said, "I have a degree from Bogazici University in Creative Writing and Ornithology.  I am working on my Master's Degree in Ornithology, I just love birds."

Can sat back, stunned, why wasn't Sanem telling anyone about this, even her sister. Sanem went on to explain, "That if my parent's found out they would make me quit here and work in the grocery store and marry Muzo right away. So I have to keep it all a secret, that's why I took the Bring and Take job, so I could work on my thesis after work at the Istanbul Library, and earn money to help Baba."

Can was speechless, and Sanem who had never talked this much at work before, got scared.   She started saying, "Please don't tell, no one but you knows and I am so sorry, I should not have talked so much."

Can stood up and said, "No it's okay, I won't tell anyone, but why would your parents keep you from getting an education?"

"In the Malhalla, where I live, the families are in charge of everything. especially the girls lives. The neighbors can be really mean, if you try to do anything any different."   Sanem said sadly. "Leyla was lucky as she is older, so she pushed and she got to go school, but our parent's have insisted that she marry their pick.   Now me, I will never get away, with being independent ever."

Can said, "Thank you for sharing with me.   I will try to come up with something to help you."      "No, Can Bey please just forget what I said. It will be okay," she said quietly, turning back to her computer.

Can just stood there thinking about this brilliant, so beautiful, and brave young lady, as she worked. He really had tender feelings for her, and wanted her to be happy.

Sanem had been working in Can's office for six months now.  Whenever she ask Deren about moving, she was told, "No, you need to stay there.  You are doing a great job with Can coming up with campaigns.    We are busier than ever because of the both of you!"  So Sanem stayed and worked where she was told.

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